Part 10: halloween party

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October 29 2022

It been more then a month since me and Hailee have been spotted together. Since then we been asked questions if we are together but we alway denied it. Me and Hailee have also not seen each other or really talked to each other after that day we both been really busy. Me with the band and our music and her with her acting/voice acting, her music and modeling.
A couple of hour ago hailee asked me if I wanted to go to a party and said I can bring the band to an Halloween party that Anderson is hosting. Sadly no one could go because everyone and their girlfriends are doing something together. Now it just me going alone and hopefully I have an good time and not look like an lonely person again.

It almost 7 pm so I start getting ready for the party. I start a shower and get my costume Jonah and Jack have help me picked out. They help me pick out and black cowboy outfit and it look cool and hopefully Hailee think it sexy. I have realized my crush on Hailee have grown and I been trying to get out of the friend zone. But it been pretty hard since all we have done is text and nothing else. I take an quick shower and then dry my hair and do it really quick and start putting the costume on. I finished changing gave my phone and decided to take some pictures

 I finished changing gave my phone and decided to take some pictures

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(What we are wearing)

I take some photo and start getting ready to leave. Luckily no one home but me so I don't get asked questions why I look like this. I grab and jacket just in case I get cold later tonight. I leave my room get my car and get ready to leave. I leave the house lock the door and unlock my car doors. I get into the driver side get my gps ready and put the location hailee gave me. It was a smooth drive there no traffic and no dog or cats running in front of people cars. I get to the place and take an elevator to the rooftop of a tall building in la. The second I open the door to the rooftop I am meet with loud music and the cold air of la. I got over to an table and get myself and cup or an alcohol or fruit punch. I take an sip and it turn out to be fruit punch. I find an empty area that has an view of the city and lean or the concrete railing.

"Hey cowboy" a woman say to me

I turn around to find Hailee in an black dress with her face painted like an clown but not an scary more of an sexy/friendly one

I turn around to find Hailee in an black dress with her face painted like an clown but not an scary more of an sexy/friendly one

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