Part:7 l mtv part 2

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Go to give a shout out to @The_shifter_97 for helping me pick which two video are the best for this chapter.

Inspo: scared to be happy

We been enjoy the show so far but I'm just worried about what time we have to prepare for our performances tonight. Minutes later I got a text for our manager and said after the next award we are going to go back stage and prepare for our performance. The next award is for the best group Album and we are on of the nominations. (I'm going be making up some of these nominations because some of the artist that won in 2022 deserves it and I'm not going to take it away from them).  Jack Harlow was presenting the away. Soon a he show up on the stage to talked for a little then a screen start to say the nominees it includes why don't we, silk sonic,bts and a couple others.

"Okay thank you, and the winner for best group album is...." Jack Harlow said

"Why don't we!" He said

We all look at each other and smile. Jonah lead the way to the stage and we all follow him. Once we go on stage I see that no one to the award. I panic a little until Daniel gave me a little look to take it. I then walk up Jack Harlow and say thank you to him while he give me the award he say congratulations and leave. I got up to the microphone and we think of think to say

"Wow, thank you" I say

Umm didn't not expect us to win something this big. I got to give a big thank you to the fans and everyone that voted for us. But also have to give a big shoutout to the four boys behind me" I say while look down or looking at them. "Without them this would have not been possible. But I have to thank Daniel for helping me write this album and helping me while I get stuck writing and he also produced almost everything it the album so give him a big round of applause" I said and I hear people give him a round of applause. I turn around to see if anyone want to say anything but they look to nervous. " thank from all three of us. And I believe that time thank you" I say I soon leave off stage and hear the boy say thank you to while leaving the stage. We end up somewhere different from early and we give them the award to hold for us until the event is over. We find our manager soon after and he take us to some room where we can change into our outfits for us to preform.



(What we are wearing with a yellow bandanna. It can either be on your arm or your head you choose)( if the outfits lag our I will try to fix it but for now I put it as the cover for this chapter)

I quickly change as I want to see the next award presenting. I heard the next award getting presented is song of the year. And I see to look who presented and it Hailee?! Soon the tv start playing the nominees. But the whole I was watching Hailee. Lucky no one saw me. She soon start to speak and second later see announce the winner and it Billie Eilish. Hailee soon move closer to Billie and hug her and give her the award. She soon start walking towards the area wear I'm in. I start to panic and pretend I was busy. She start coming near me and move out of the way for someone and end up next to me. "Good luck loved boy" she say to me and then leave to I guess her seat. I start walking to where we are supposed to meet. I soon got a stare from Zach and Jack. Soon the manager tell us what we have to do and now we just waiting until we get our sign to go set up. Everyone start getting ready and some off us streaming our guitar. Soon Jack some over.

"Hey y/n I saw you watching your girlfriend present" he whispered to me.

"She not my girlfriend" I told him

"but you didn't deny you were watching her" he told me

"I was just wanted to see who won song of the year that an important award for an artist to get" I told him

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