Pray for the best

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*Blaire's pov*

Why do i look like this? i say to myself staring in the mirror. My mascara all smudged around my eyes from the previous day, knotty hair tied into a messy bun, baggy clothes to cover up my ugliness, pale face. School mornings suck. I was having a good dream, in fact I wish i was apart of it, sometimes I just want to disappear and live inside of my own head, my own imagination. Maybe I sound manic, but to me, honestly I'm just lost. 

She puts on this outfit with a messy bun:

I open the cabinet to reveal loads of orange capsule bottles

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I open the cabinet to reveal loads of orange capsule bottles. I grab the one which says "anti psychotics" I open up the lid and take two of them with tap water. I felt today wasn't going to be the best already. I took medication for my mood today, lets hope it works today. I crossed my fingers and put my black noise cancelling headphones on. I started to play where is my mind by the pixies as I walked out of my dormitory. As i take a few steps towards my locker i feel someone place there hand on my left shoulder. I jump around and pull my headphones down to my neck. "woah didn't mean to scare you" Maxxie laughed. Maxxie was my best friend. My only friend really. He knew how to make me laugh and would always help me when i was sad. He has tons of friends so I don't know why he would choose to sit with me. Maybe he felt bad for me? We met at orientation day and had been friends since. (This school starts in grade 10 and they are currently in term 2 of grade 10) "haha its ok, just talk to me next time" i smiled. "Your music was too loud for me too" he looked down at my headphones. i blushed. To be honest, i have no idea whether i like him as a friend or more. maybe i just like the attention he gives me, maybe its the validation. too hard to tell. "Blaireee, hellooo you there?" Maxxie waves in my face. "Shit sorry, daydreaming" i roll my eyes. We laugh and link arms and head off to class. My first period was Math's. Unfortunately we only shared a few classes and math's was not one of them. However, he was nice enough to walk me to my class even though his class was on the other side of the building. "Have fun, don't get into any trouble" he smirks as he walks off back to his class. I wave goodbye and trail off into the classroom. As i walk in however, someone sticks there foot out to the side and i come tumbling down onto the floor. "Watch it freak" I look up to see Dylan, towering over me. Yeah he had the hottest body, his 6 pack, his chiseled jawline, his huge muscles. But that didn't make up for his personality. "Fuck off you loner" I shout viscously as i help myself up off the floor. I shouldn't have said that. it wasn't true at all. he was the opposite of a loner. He's the leader of his pack, and so many girls want him. honestly i don't even know why he's still single. "What did you just say to me birdie" He always called me birdie, I don't know why. he grabs my shirt and pulls me towards him. I gulped. "I said fuck off". His eyes widen and he becomes even angrier. luckily the teacher walks in right on time. "Hands off, mister Huxley" Says the teacher. "I'll finish this later" he lets go off me and takes a seat. I take a seat in the back row next to him. It was the only seat available. He looks at me and whispers something to his friends which makes them start chuckling. I wanted to say something so bad, but if i get 1 more detention that's an afterschool, and i have work. I work at a restaurant a few minutes down the road from the school. its called the Myers diner. 

As I slowly take notes from the front board, i see at the corner of my eyes, Dylan staring at me. He keeps looking at me then looking away and then looking back. I wanted to see what he was doing so i turned my head towards him and he quickly nudged his head away and turned to his friends. what was he doing? Suddenly out of no where he silently passes me a note.  

The note:   

I gave him a sarcastic smile and tore the note to pieces and chucked the pieces onto the floor

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I gave him a sarcastic smile and tore the note to pieces and chucked the pieces onto the floor. He rolled his eyes and once more gave me a dirty look. ringggg. 1st period was over and it was time for break. I was thinking of spending break in my dorm room but then i remembered i promised Maxxie i would sit with him this break. I ran out of the class as soon as the bell rang hoping dylan would lose my sight. i quickly made my way over to the cafeteria where hopefully i would be safe from his games. Luckily Maxxie was already sitting down waiting for me. I smiled cutely as I walked over to him. 

"I think we should eat somewhere else" i say to him frightened. "don't tell me this is because of Dylan" he replies. I look to the ground and stay silent. "Fine, we'll go to my dorm but first i have to go to the bathroom, wait here" he said as he walked off. shit shit shit. now its just me. all alone. a perfect time for Dylan to come speak to me. And to my surprise there he was. Dylan. Confidently walking over to me with all of his friends following behind. "sit down" he ordered. i ignored him. "I said sit down!" he says even more firmly this time. "No" i reply. "Fine, we will do this the hard way." he says as he grabs my wrist tightly and pulls me out of the cafeteria. "let go of me!" i shout at him. He was far to strong for me. Let alone me being surrounded by all of his friends. I had to listen to him now. He dragged me into an empty classroom and through me onto a chair. his friends stayed outside. "This is due tomorrow" he said, placing down the homework from my math's class. "I can't do that" i say tiredly. "do it or you will regret it birdie" he shouts. i nod my head and he leaves me by myself. i know i shouldn't have agreed, but what was i supposed to do? i don't know what he's capable of and he had a bunch of jacked boys standing outside of the room. not to mention he was the strongest of them all. I looked down to the piece of paper and began to write. I was terrible at math. I had no clue what i was meant to be doing, lets just hope i don't get too many wrong for him. 

*School bell rings*

I get up and make my way to my next class. Luckily this time i had no Dylan. I had music with Maxxie. 

"Where have you been?" Maxxie says to me worriedly as we waited outside of class. "When you left Dylan made me do his homework" i sigh. "Oh, I'm so sorry Blaire, i shouldn't have left you." he apologises. "forget it, it doesn't matter" i say. deep down it really did matter, but he was all i had left. we went into class and i grabbed out my electric guitar and began to play. the rest of the class was just learning new music and laughing with Maxxie.

~to be continued~

Sorry this was a bit of a short chapter. Let me know your thoughts on this story please. 

Also I will try my best to get this story done as fast as possible :)

- blake    

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