What's happening to me?

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~Blaire's pov~

The light from the sun peeks through my curtains as i forgot to close them all the way before i fell asleep. I slowly open up my eyes and see that Dylan isn't on his bed on the ground. I shrug it off and just think maybe he's in the bathroom or something. 

I close my eyes and roll over to turn positions but i get blocked by something warm. Or should I say someone. I open my eyes to see me laying on Dylan's chest. I look down and realise his hand is around my waist, It felt so comfortable I didn't want to wake him up. I went back to sleep in hopes he doesn't wake up either.

~1 hour later~

I wake up to Dylan's alarm going off and he wakes up too. He instantly slides his hand away from my waist and gets up. "sorry." he says. I don't know why he was saying sorry, i didn't mind. "It's fine, you just fell asleep that's all, besides it's uncomfy down there I don't blame you." I reply. He looks relieved and goes to the bathroom. 

"You going to school today?" He asks me in hopes I would say yes. "Yeah I'll try" I say.

I get changed in my room while he is in the bathroom. I put this on:

I was in the middle of putting my shirt on and Dylan walks out while I still have my bra showing

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I was in the middle of putting my shirt on and Dylan walks out while I still have my bra showing. He opens the door and covers his face with his pajama shirt. "I'm so sorry' He apologises. 

"It's my fault, I should've told you." I say. I tell him he can look now and so he does. He lowers the shirt and looks me up and down. He smiles and I swear he even bites his lip a little bit. It makes me blush and I start to admire his outfit. 

His outfit:

He really suited dark colors

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He really suited dark colors.

Once we stop staring at each other we look up locking our eyes and laugh. He notices I start to frown when I turn to the door and realise we have to go out to class. He walks over and puts his hand out for me. I grab his hand and he opens the door and leads the way out. We go down to our first class which is music so we were together.

Although we got a lot of stars from other people, he never let go of my hand and he never left my side. People knew we were kind of enemies, so I guess people were just as confused as I was.

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