The love that overcomes hate

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{This is the final chapter}

~3 years later~

~Blaire's pov~
Hate can mean many things. It can mean sadness, it can mean jealousy or it could mean anger. Although I've experience all throughout my time knowing Dylan. But honestly, now looking back. I really didn't mind me going through all those things. Because in the end, something good came our of it. All the hate, it turned into love. Although I never liked Dylan, never had a crush on him. His love for me made me overcome that barrier. His love made me forgive. It made me trust.

My nightmare turned into a bright dream, except this was real life. With real people and real experiences. We now are living in a nice apartment and graduated together from high school. I'm studying Medicine and he's playing basketball for college. I don't even know where all the time went.

"Let's order kfc" Dylan shouts excitedly across the room while I was reading a book. "Sure" I smile. He starts jumping up and down excitedly. "You're so cute when you're happy" I say as I blush at him. He just poked his tongue out at me and ran over to his phone and ordered some food. We ordered a mix feast to share, even though I knew he was going to eat most of it.

~20 minutes later~

We start eating at our long marble table in silence. (Much better upgrade than my dorm) He just greedily shoves food in his face and we both start laughing without even saying anything. That's basically how the entire dinner went.

The thing is, when you're with someone who you truly love, you don't need to say or do anything. There presence, their face should just be enough to make you smile, to make you feel happy. It's just the warmth of you're partner being there with you that make you feel so special and safe. 

I throw a chicken nugget on the floor for our dog shadow. He was a husky, only 1 year old. He runs up to the food and starts eating it. "Shadow, do a dance" I speak calmly. Shadow then jumps spastically around in circles. "Good boy shadow" I say encouragingly, patting him on the back and giving him another nugget to reward him. I always loved dogs, we rescued him from an animal shelter 7 months ago. Since then I have taught him so many tricks.

A few minutes later Dylan and I go to the lounge room and sit on the couch. We decide to put on Halloween since it was October. Shadow jumps up onto the couch and sits in my lap as I lay down in Dylan's, wrapped in a red fluffy blanket. I put some candles on before we sat down and turned all the lights off. The aircon was blasting so we both snuggled into each other for more body warmth.

~Dylan's pov~

She looked so cute. The movie had just finished and Blaire was fast asleep tucked into my lap. I slowly got up from the couch trying not to wake her up or shadow. I tiptoed fastly into our room to grab some things from my draw which i had been hiding for a while.

As i walked back out Shadow was sitting outside the bedroom door. Luckily he hadn't woken Blaire up when he got out of her lap. I put my finger over my lips and whisper 'Shhhh' to Shadow as I tiptoe to the lounge room. I replace and relight the candles which had melted. I then throw a bunch of roses onto the loungeroom floor and hang up some fairy lights.

"Blaire, wake up" I rock her back and forth. She slowly opens her eyes and I'm holding her formal dress. "Put this on, I want to recreate our first dance" I say. She gets up and puts the dress and shoes on. I then play on my speaker the song that was playing when I asked her to be my girlfriend. "What is all this for" She says pointing around the room. She looked even more beautiful. 2 years later and she could still look amazing in anything she wore.

"I just want to dance" I smile. She doesn't question it and she takes my hand and we start slow dancing. I twirl her around and dip her back into my arms. "You look handsome" She says. I was in my suit from the formal too. "This is great and all, but why did you do all of this?" She asks. I hold her hand and I kneel down on 1 knee. She instantly covers her smile with her hands and she gasps. 

I grab out a box from my pocket and open it to reveal a ring inside. "Will you marry me" I ask. I only just finished the question as she starts jumping up and down. "YES!" she shouts. "OMG DYLAN YES I LOVE YOU!" she shouts again. I stand up and put the ring on his finger and it fits perfectly. She stops jumping when I grab her by the waist and pull her in for a passionate kiss.

"I love you birdie" I smile, tucking a lose strand of hair behind her ear. She laughs as she remembers how I used to call her that. She rests her head on my shoulder and we dance the night away. 

And that was another one of the best memories we've shared.

~the end~

-Authors note-

So this is the end, I hope everyone enjoyed, sorry this last part was a bit short I just got a little less motivated cause right now I have no views except for myself so this story is kind of just for me cause no one else has read it. But I ended up finishing it and maybe one day someone will read it.

There will be no part 2 unless while I'm still active on here, this magically becomes really popular and people are asking for a part 2 but I doubt that will ever happen.

But if you are reading this thank you so much, I spent a lot of time writing this and I really do appreciate you reading all of this. Again thank you so much :)

- Blake 

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