Heart on fire

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~Baire's pov~

"So what hairstyle would you be interested in getting today?" The hairdresser asks me

I showed her a picture of the hair I wanted and she agreed to do it

I wanted everything to be a surprise for Dylan and so did he, that's why he dropped me off and he went to do his own thing

~1 hour later~

After and hour of brushing and detangling my hair was finally finished. Dylan gave me his credit card so I could use it to pay for the hair and makeup and the shoes. At first I said no but  he insisted. He was so kind.

I got up out of my seat and cracked my back and took a big stretch. I looked in the mirror and I fell in love with my hair instantly. 

I thanked the hairdresser and paid

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I thanked the hairdresser and paid. I always left a tip, this time using my own money. I had a $20 note on me so I gave her that. She was super nice and amazing at her job. She made sure I was comfortable and tried to make it hurt as least as possible. She was so gentle.

Next it was time to go to the makeup salon. Luckily I was in a big shopping centre so they were all in the same place basically. 

I got into the makeup shop and look at some colors and choose my look. They were pretty busy because of the formal. This place was pretty popular. 

~35 minutes later~

It was quicker than expected. "You have a beautiful clear face ma'am" The beautician said to me.

I thanked her and said she was beautiful too. This was the makeup look she did:

I only wanted something basic and cheap

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I only wanted something basic and cheap. She waxed my eyebrows, put on some lashes, foundation, bronzer, blush, plumped my lips and put some lip gloss on and added some glitter to the corner of my eyes and some light eyeshadow. 

I tipped her and paid and it was time to get my shoes

*ding* My phone goes up

I open up my phone and it was Dylan snapping me 

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