Everything has changed

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~Blaire's pov~

I wake up to my wrist screaming with pain, I moan and try to turn over but something stops me. I start to open my eyes and feel a tugging on my arms. When my eyes fully open I see Dylan cleaning my stitches. There was no bandage, and I had my wrist out of the bandage yet. "What are you doing?" I whimper. "Shhh its okay, you were bleeding a little bit so I needed to clean it and change the bandage" He replies softly. 

I look towards my alarm clock and it's 8:00. "You know your not going to class today right?" He tells me. "i know" i say back. 

He finishes cleaning me up and I thank him. He gets ready for the day and I promise him that I will be okay. He goes to the bathroom and comes out wearing this:

 He goes to the bathroom and comes out wearing this:

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Okay i do admit now he's pretty hot. But it's not that I like him or anything right? I question myself. "See you soon. I'll come check on you" He kisses my hand like I was a princess. How come he is such a gentleman now? I hide myself under my covers and go back to sleep. I was very tired so I ended up falling back to sleep in only about 20 minutes. 

~ 2 hours later~

I awaken to chatter coming from outside of my dormitory. It was lunch and people were walking around. I decide to get up and go to the cafeteria since I hadn't eaten for almost two days and I had no food in my dorm. I had a mini fridge, a mini portable oven and stove top and a microwave. Just no food. 

I got out of my bed and went to my closet and picked out a casual outfit to wear:

I got out of my bed and went to my closet and picked out a casual outfit to wear:

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I put my hair up in a pigtail and don't bother to put on any makeup.

I make my way down too the cafeteria and grab a ham and cheese toasty and a orange juice box.

I didn't have that much money on me.

I walked through the crowd and so many people were staring at me. I assumed it was because everyone saw my fucked up body getting hurried into an ambulance. I sat down by myself and started to eat slowly. I hear a group laugh loudly and I looked up and saw Maxxie with some of his friends. I frowned and we locked eyes. 

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