Mistakes were made

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🚨This chapter contains more smut scenes 🚨

~Blaire's pov~

I groaned as I rolled over on my bed, closer to Dylan's warm body. He moves his arms and hug me as I bury my head into his chest. My head hurt like shit.

It felt like there was so much pressure on my head and I felt so faint. I open my eyes and suddenly I am reminded about what happened last night. I can't help but too let out a big smile. I look at the time and it was already 11:13am. I mean we did go to bed pretty late.

But eventually my smile fades as I feel a lump form in my throat and my stomach turns queasy. I quickly take Dylan's arms off of me and I race to the bathroom with him chasing after me asking what's wrong.

I thankfully make it to the toilet in time and start throwing up

"Are you okay princess?" He says, holding my hair back as I continue to throw up. "hangovers suck" I gag on my words. "I know, it's okay I'm here" he pats my back. "thank you" I force a smile even though I was literally vomiting my brains out.

I had a bit too much too drink. A lot more then Dylan. 

"My head hurts" I frown and place my hand on my forehead. "I'll go get you some medicine for your head and your stomach." Dylan says. He was so sweet.

I vomit once more and he comes in holding my medicine and a glass of water. I take the pills and shoot them all down in one gulp. "That was fast" he says. "I know how to take a lot in my mouth" I joke. 

He giggles and he leans his head on me as he flushes the toilet. We go back to my bed to go back to sleep but we couldn't. "Your vomit stunk up the room" He says. "Shut up" i say, giving him a nudge.

I sprayed the room with some perfume and we decided to go into Dylan's dorm to sleep to get rid of the stench but also the strong smell of perfume. We got enough of that from all the girls at the formal last night.

Dylan's unlocks his door with his key and we walk inside. I slam myself onto his bed and cuddle into the sheets and pillows. Dylan goes over to his small kitchen and grabs a big bowl out of one of the draws.

"Here, I'll put this beside the bed on the bedside table just in case you feel like you're gonna be sick again" He explains. I thank him and he gives me a kiss on the forehead and lays down. I snuggle up to him and he rubs my back. And soon we fall asleep.

~1 hour later~

We woke up a decided to put a tv show on. We decided to watch the mist by Stephen king. "Is your head feeling better?" He asks. "Yes it does, do you feel okay?" I ask him back. "Yep, fine". 

We snuggle for a bit while watching our tv show and then he suggests to give me a massage. My legs were really stiff from wearing the heels for so long and my back hurt a lot. I lay on my stomach and he grabs some baby oil from the bathroom.

I take my shirt off and just have my bra on and he gets on top of me and starts too massage my back. It tickled but hurt at the same time. But it did also feel good. He dug his finger and knuckles into my back and moved them around.

"You have a lot of knots in your shoulder" He tells me. He gets rougher so he can get all the knots out, it felt good. He then moved down to my legs  and started to rub them deeply in my skin.

His fingers were so smooth and he moved them up and down my legs, he also massages my feet. After he was done I felt a sense of relief and I no longer felt so tense anymore. "Thanks Dylan, you want a massage too?" I offer. "Nah, I'm good. maybe later tonight though" he says. 

We continue to watch a few more episodes and before we know it, it's getting late. "Let's order some pizza" I suggest. He agrees and we go out to the car park. "I think it's your turn to do the driving" He says. I agree as I want to use my new motorbike more and I think it would be nice to have him on it while I am too.

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