As if nothing happened

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~Blaire's Pov~

*beep, beep, beep, beep* The hospitals machines went.

My eyes stung and my head roared with pain. My body was extremely stiff and all I could move was fingers. I twinkled my fingers and I felt something heavy attached to my pointer finger. As i move my fingers my wrist strikes with excruciating pain, i let out a little mumble as i slowly open up my eyes to reveal a hospital room and a pulse oximeter on my finger. I looked down and my wrist was covered in bandages and i had a tube attached to a drip with water. My sight turned dizzy and suddenly I felt a hand grab mine.

"Oh my god, Blaire your okay thank god!" I turn my head around to see Dylan almost crying. I grabbed my head and squinted my eyes. Am I dreaming? Why was Dylan waiting for me at the hospital? "Its okay, you're okay now. Lay back down" He says gently and he slowly lays me back down onto the bed. "What are you doing here?" I question him. "I found you in the bath at your dorm, I'm so sorry. I never meant for any of that to happen. I told Amelia to delete the video and she listened. I'm so sorry for everything." He says starting to tear up. "Why were you in my dorm?" I ask confusedly. "I was coming too apologise, but then I saw a bunch of blood under your door and then, yeah." He says scratching his head. "Oh." I reply sadly. 

"What happens now?" I ask him. "I told the nurse it was an accident so they don't send you away, unless you want to tell them the truth. But otherwise you can go in a few hours." He smiles. "Thank you" I smile. A few moments later the nurse comes in and checks how I'm doing and asks what happened. I say the same as Dylan. It was an accident. I slipped in the bath and cut myself on a broken piece of glass while I was trying to grab a hairbrush. She believed me and took off my water drip and assured that I am okay to leave. She prescribes me some pain killers and gives me a few extra bandages and explains to Dylan and I when and how the bandages need to be changed. "Take it easy" she smiles goodbye. 

I was so confused. Why was Dylan trying to apologise? Why did he care? Why has he stayed with me this entire time? I follow him to the car right after I get changed out of my hospital gown. I kept the socks on as they were super comfy and grippy.

We get to his car or should I say motorbike. I freeze and stare at it. It was a black and blue Suzuki G SX 600 Motorcycle. My dream model just Black and pink. It had blue led lights. It was so amazing. 

"Do you like motorbikes?" I did

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"Do you like motorbikes?" I did. I loved them. "Yeah I do" I reply. "You drive one?" He asks me. No. in fact I never have. "No, don't have enough money" I say sadly. He passes me a spare helmet and I put it on. I felt nervous. I had to hold him. Close. The person who treated me like shit for ages. I had to basically hug him for ages. I had to trust him. "We can catch the bus if you want" He could tell I wasn't to sure. "No it's fine" I say. He sits on the motorbike and I follow. I slowly put my arms around him and he turns his head to look back at me. Why did he look kind of hot in the helmet?

"You ready?" he says. I nod and we speed away from the hospital. It was a bit quite. All i could hear was the engine racing and cars falling behind us. He breaks the silence and asks "What motorbike would you want?" "A pink and black Suzuki" I smile. "So like mine just pink" He laughs. My hair blows back in the wind and I smile. I start to feel comfortable with him and kind of forget everything that has happened with him in the past year. 

I decide to rest my head on his shoulder, he smelt of expensive cologne. He flinched when I placed my head down but then realised it was just me. He didn't seem to mind. I then move my hands and put them in the pockets of the front of his hoodie. He looks down at my hands and then looks up and doesn't say anything. I smile and close my eyes and just let the breeze of the wind play with my hair.

The sky becomes dark. It was the next day and I had woken up late in the afternoon. Did Dylan sleep there? I wonder. His blue lights turned on and it lit up the road. Blue was one of my favorite colors. It looked like we were driving on water and it was one of the most beautiful experiences i have ever witnessed. I admired the stars and Dylan looked back at me as I watched the view.

~Dylan's Pov~

As I was steering fast across the road I feel Blaire place her head on my shoulder. I couldn't help but smile. At first I didn't think it was her so I jumped. I didn't expect her to trust me so much, especially after everything I had done too her.

Her hair blew in the wind and she looked so stunning. absolutely beautiful.  She was way to pure for this world. Her brown wavy long hair dancing in the wind. Her grey coloured eyes glistened to my motorcycle lights. I saw her admiring the lights and she smiled. And suddenly I realised I couldn't stop smiling. As much as I resisted I couldn't stop. And then she placed her hands in my hoodie. And honestly I felt butterflies rush throughout my entire stomach. It was the cutest thing ever. 

I blushed, luckily she couldn't see it or my smile through the helmet. Her touch was so gentle, and I could hear her breathe slowly breathing on me in my ear. It made me feel so peaceful. I think I loved her already. 

Unfortunately we arrived back to school. The trip was long but it felt so short. Once we stopped she took her hands out from my jumper and I suddenly felt cold again. She slowly took her helmet off and her hair went frizzy and covered her eyes. I was about to reach out and move her hair out of the way for her but she beat me too it. 

"Did you have fun?" I asked. She jumped up and down and said "Yes yes yes we have to go again sometime soon" she begged. I laughed and she followed me inside the school. "Hey Blaire, how are you doing?" Her English teacher Miss Harwood asked. "I'm okay, just a little silly accident" She replies, but we both know that wasn't the truth. "Don't work too hard" she winks. Blaire makes her way to her room and I follow her inside. "What are you doing?" She asks. Was she silly? "Do you really think I'm going to let you be by yourself after what just happened? I don't think so" I say to her. "I guess your right." She sighs. I frown. She sat on her bed and i sat next to her. She starts crying as she sees the bath still filled with blood, and the carpet covered in bloody water. Luckily the janitor had replaced the door. 

I look in her eyes and they start too water even more. They looked so pretty. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry, for everything Blaire. I didn't mean for things to go this far. I understand if you hate me but I just want you too know that I am sorry with my entire heart, and if you think we can start things all over again, I would love to have another chance with you." I say firmly. She looks up at me with more tears in her eyes. I wipe them away with a tissue I found on her bedside. Her room was messy, but cool. She had cool posters and drawings hanging up around her room, tapestry on the ceiling and all her music stuff with a bunch of stickers and pictures. "Can I ask you something?" she says very quietly. "Promise to tell the truth" she adds. "Of course" I say assuring. She begins to speak.

~To be continued~

What does Blaire want to ask him? Are things going to workout? 


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