Walking Disaster

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*Blaire's Pov*

Finally, the school day was over. No more Dylan until tomorrow. Except I still had work and I had to finish Dylan's homework or god knows what he will do to me. School finished at 2 and my shift starts at 2:30. I hurried to my dorm and my work uniform was messily shoved in a pile on the bathroom floor. I put it on and sprayed myself with perfume as it smelt of sweat. My previous shift was super busy, and plus we were understaffed. lots of running around and extremely short breaks. lets hope its not too busy this time. 

I sped walked down to the Myers hotel and it only took about 8 minutes. I got there just on time and i started my shift. My shift mainly consisted of waiting tables, serving food and cleaning. Just like a basic waitress. I walk over happily to a couple waiting to be seated and served. "Good evening, welcome to the Myers hotel, My name is Blake and I will be looking after you today" i say with a bright voice. I walk them over to a table for two and grab them there menus. "I'll get a lemonade and she will get a cherry soda" the boyfriend says. I nod my head and make there drinks at the counter. As usual I hear the bells ding, meaning a customer has just walked in. Suddenly my co worker Evie walks over to me and says "hey i gotta go to the bathroom, do you mind waiting the group that just walked in." "sure thing" i smile. It better not be a big group a sigh in my head. I grab the couples drinks and place them on there table. they say thank you and i make my way to serve the group. As i head over my smile quickly fades into a frown. "Hey Blaire."  Dylan says with an devilish smirk. "what do you want?" i sigh. "That's no way to greet a fellow customer" he laughs. "take a seat" i point to a empty table. he sits down and his friends follow behind him. but this time one of them was a girl. they were holding hands. "This is Amelia" Dylan says to me, holding her hand. "um ok?" i say uncertain. she giggles and touches his shoulder. Was he trying to make me jealous or something? "We will all get cokes" he says. "make mine diet" Amelia says rudely. "6 cokes and 1 diet coming up" i say. before making the drinks i go to the couples and take down there food orders. Then i make my way to the counter and pour the 7 drinks for the group. i place the drinks on a drink tray and make my way carefully over to his table. i place the drinks down on the table and walk away. of course none of them saying thank you. I roll my eyes and go over and clean a messy table. i begin to clean up when i hear a familiar voice shout "waiter" i look behind me and see the boys calling for me. i sluggishly walk over to them and ask what the problem is. "i don't want ice in mine" Dylan says. "me neither" Amelia says after him. I take back their drinks, "sorry". i say. i had to be nice still, i was working. I angrily walk over and remake the drinks this time with no ice. except this time i didn't make a diet coke. they taste the same she won't be able to tell the difference. i walk over and sit the drinks down and walk off. they laugh behind me. i bet they came here just despite me.

Out of no where, a childish man around his early 30s whistles. I quickly turn around, "nice ass hottie" he chuckles. i nervously smile back. Usually I would say something but i didn't want to get fired. "Hey, say that to her again, and I'll fuck you up" i turn behind me again and Dylan is standing out of his seat. The man goes silent and Dylan sits back down. I give him a confused look and walk away. Why would he stand up for me? Surely he didn't mean it. Maybe he was trying to look manly in front of this new girl. i don't know. it was definitely weird though. 

Finally tt was 11:15pm. almost closing time. I finished cleaning the dishes and went out to clean the tables. They were gone. See, it was just to spite me. they didn't even eat any food. But they still managed to leave a big mess. I cleaned it up and i waited for the last table to leave. They finally left at 11:28pm and I started to mop the floor. It was Evie's turn to close tonight so i left her to it and said goodbye to the rest of the staff. 

I made my way home. it was dark and cold. i forgot to bring my sweater so i just wrap my arms around myself and try to get back to my dorm as quick as possible. the stars were out tonight. i look up as i see my breathe through the cold air. the stars shine bright in my face. At least something is shining tonight. its definitely not me though. I plug my headphones in again and walk off into the night. 

*Dylan's Pov*

"See you guys tomorrow, I'm gonna stay back I need to go to the shops and get a few things" I say to my friends as they leave. With Amelia following behind. God that girl is so rude. As they walk off into the distance I make my way back to the hotel and wait for Blaire's shift to finish. I wear a dark black hoodie so she can't see me well. Finally i hear someone exit the restaurant and it was her. She starts walking and looks up to the sky. How could she look so pretty? I mean stupid. Stupid, Stupid, Stupid Dylan. She's stupid. i say to myself. How could she look so stupid? i startled in my head. She picks up the pace and i walk a while back so she can't see me. she must be freezing, it's 3 degrees Celsius and she has no sleeves. 

She slowly puts her headphones on and i get mad for some reason. that's so dangerous. its the middle of the night and she won't be able to hear anything. I mean what if someone just came up behind her and grabbed her? She wouldn't be able to hear them. But tonight it's okay. Cause I'm here. so she will be safe. I follow her some more and she makes her way inside her dorm. I go to mine and she had no idea i was there all along. at least she is safe. 

*Back to Blaire's pov*

I finally get to my dorm and take my headphones out. i feel relieved and take my uniform off. i turn the shower on and get in once the steam starts spreading throughout the air. i cry as the warm hot water hits my skin. I was so tired and yet I had another day of school, another day with Dylan. I'm getting so tired of all his bullshit and so scared. I just want it all to end. I mean it's not just him. I wake up to the same old me everyday. I hate on myself, and i don't enjoy anything. Everything is just so much of an effort and I can't keep going on like this. I hate this. I myself and I hate my life. The tears flood and sting my red cheeks. i dry myself off and put on my bra and tracksuits. I flop onto my bed and wrap myself tightly underneath the covers. another tear rolls out from my eyes as I fall asleep.  

~to be continued~

this was a bit of a short chapter but eh

Has Dylan been doing this all the time? Does he secretly like Blaire? did he mean to call her pretty or stupid? What did all of this mean?


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