The party's over

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I woke up to the sound of banging on my door. It sounded like a few people maybe door ditching. I sighed and got up out of my cave and opened the door. I got a glimpse of a few boys run just around the corner. Probably just Alex and Jayden playing pranks on me. Dylan's friends. I got back into bed and opened my phone. it was 6:47am. I don't usually get up until 8 since class starts at 8:30. I closed my eyes for a bit and tried to return to my sleeping state. I tossed and turned until my blankets fell off of my bed. "Just go back to sleep for fucks sake." I shout to myself in annoyance. Although I was extremely tired, I always find it hard to sleep when I know I have to get up in a bit anyway. Insomnia is a real shitface. Comes around at the worst of times and for no reason at all. It just always finds a way to creep up on you and into your bed. 

I decide to go and get ready as I spent the past 20 minutes staring at the ceiling in pure silence. It was 7:32 and I began to brush my hair. I don't usually brush my hair in the morning, but since i had more time than usual i thought maybe i could try something new. 

You tie up your hair like this:

I liked the hairstyle, but i hated how it looked on me

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I liked the hairstyle, but i hated how it looked on me. I hated how everything looked on me. Everything I did, everything I wore, I just hated what I looked like. No matter what. I could be voted the most prettiest girl in the world and I would still see myself as a disgusting, ugly, filthy person. Nothing could ever save me from the pure hate i have for myself. Its far to late now. 

I decide to get changed into some baggy clothes. I wasn't feeling the best about my appearance today so I'm going to cover up a bit. I decide to put on this:

(Sorry if you don't like this kind of style, you can imagine what you want:)

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(Sorry if you don't like this kind of style, you can imagine what you want:)

I put on some mascara to bring the attention off of the huge dark bags under my eyes, and i put a bit of foundation on to cover up my flaws. My face was pretty clear but I still always feel insecure about it. Don't know why, but i just do. And by the time i decided to stop picking at my flaws in the mirror it was time to go to class. I grabbed my bag from underneath my bed and hung the strap on my right shoulder. I exited my dorm and made my way down to music class. I kind of spent a bit long staring in the mirror I lost track of time. The hallways were empty as class had just started. I raced into my music room sweating. At least I don't have class with dyl-. I was cut off as I looked across the room. Why the fuck was Dylan here? "Dylan has transferred from his history class to music. He would love to learn the electric guitar. Blaire, since you have the most experience with the electric guitar you can teach him a bit about it outside. I hope everyone makes him feel very welcome." Miss Veronica smiles. You have got to be kidding me. Dylan looks up and gives me a smirk. I look over to Maxxie who is sitting across from the room and he just shrugs. I give him a nervous look back and go outside with Dylan. "What are you doing here?" i question annoyed. "I want to learn the guitar?" He says confusedly. "What did I do to you? You have treated me like shit since I met you and now you move classes just to mess with me even more!" I shout in his face. "Someone's a bit mad." He laughs. I growl as i realise he is not going to give me an answer. "Let's just get this over with already" i sigh. i sit down and hand him a spare guitar. I start off teaching him the order of the strings and how to read tabs. He stays pretty quite so I help him to learn his first song. I decide freaks by surf curse would be a good song for him to begin with. I play a demonstration slowly and copies. He seems to pick it up very fast and finally the bell goes for break. I jolt up and make my way to find Maxxie. As i walk back into the classroom to find him i feel a strong hand grab my shoulder roughly. You didn't forget did you? Dylan says to me. I roll my eyes and hand him his math's homework sheet from out of my bag. "Your welcome" I say sarcastically. "They better not be all wrong" He says. I ignore him and follow Maxxie. "Hey I'm sorry about class today, I had no clue he was joining" Maxxie explains to me calmly. "Don't worry about it, it's not your fault, let's go eat lunch." I force a smile. "Uh about that, I have my soccer training on at both breaks" he says nervously. "Oh that's okay, I totally forgot." I say with a smile on my face. He apologises and he walks off. Leaving me alone. Again. I decide to walk around the halls for a bit since I didn't really feel like eating. I didn't deserve food. I was ugly so I needed to punish myself for it. Maybe if i didn't eat i would be prettier. Maybe then more people would actually like me. I decide to get some fresh air so i head outside where some students sit to eat their lunch. Suddenly I feel two hands lay on my back and push my too the ground. It was so unexpected I didn't see it coming so I had no time to save myself and I fell too the ground, extending my left arm out to save myself. Except i ended up popping it out and sliding onto my knees causing them to bleed all over the floor. Once I am on the ground I look behind me and of course i see the one and only, Dylan. Except he isn't laughing. He looks sort of guilty. I didn't care though, I was more distracted by the laughing coming from in front of me. I look forward to see a bright pink phone in my face with a bunch of boys and girls laughing at me. Of course it was Amelia recording. They all point there fingers at me and something inside of me just clicked. I was fed up with all of this bullshit. I look up, face to face with Amelia. Her stupid pink dress, hot pink nails, sparkly phone case, basic bitch. Instead of crying like she expects me too. All I showed was anger. Her laugh fades and her smile straightens. "What?" She says nervously. "Party's over bitch." I spit in her face and dive right into her causing her to fall onto the floor too. She screams and I just laugh. Everyone started to record and crowded up into a circle. She scratches my face and starts to pull my hair. I pull her hair back and stomp her face into the ground as she cries for me to stop. "Who's the laughing stock now huh?" I shout in her face. I go for a punch and swing right into her lip, she screams and a pair of hands pulls me off of her. "Blaire that's enough!" Dylan says. "Shut up you coward" I reply, Spitting blood onto the ground at Amelia's face as he pulls me away. A crowd of people gather around Amelia to make sure she is okay. But no one was there for me. Dylan looked back at me concerned. I turned around and ran the opposite direction into my dorm. No teachers were around thankfully. If she snitches, she will get in trouble too for recording me getting tripped. Fuck this shit man. 

*Dylan's pov*

Shit.... I mutter to myself as i see Blaire tumble to the ground. Her arms pops slowly and i cringe at the sound. I look down to her and i see a pile of blood start to form underneath her knees. I didn't mean for her to get hurt. I just wanted to have a bit of fun. She looks at me and she just looks so innocent. Why did I do that to her? Before I could say anything, Amelia comes and records. I had no idea she was going to be filming. And suddenly i felt the biggest guilt I had ever felt. I think I really fucked up this time. I was going to try and help Blaire up but before i knew it she leaped at Amelia. She deserved it though. Amelia was a bitch. I was only hanging around her to make Blaire jealous. I wanted to see what she would do if she saw me with another girl. Blaire started swinging. Damn she looked hot. Her bloody lip, her messy hair. She was strong and beautiful. Even in the middle of a fight. I realised it was probably a good time for them to stop fighting before Blaire did any permanent damage. Cause she wasn't going to stop. I pull her off and she's so tense. I kind of feel sorry for her. As everyone huddled around Amelia I looked back at her. She still had her fists clenched, and her lip was bleeding. I felt bad for her, no one was there to make sure she was okay. I mean I couldn't help her. I didn't want people to know that I felt bad for her. But before I could think about anything else she turns around and runs off. I swear just before she turned around I saw a tear slowly run down her cheek. What do I do now?

~to be continued~

Is Dylan going to admit his feelings? Or is he just faking it all?

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