Blood is falling

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All I could think about was that video. What if she posts it? Even more people would make fun of me, I'd be a laughing stock. And then Maxxie would get bullied for hanging out with me and he would probably end up leaving me in the end. Just like they always do. Something always drives them away. I don't give a fuck if i get in trouble anymore. Expel me for all I care, then I will be away from this place, away from all the monsters, away from Dylan. And no, I don't regret fighting her. It felt pretty fucking good I'm not gonna lie. But either way. I'm just a nobody and everyone's gonna hate on me. Why do I always get pissed on? 

I just wanted to take a stupid fucking walk to refresh my mind. But no, I can't even do that without something going wrong. Fuck school. One day won't hurt. I'm just gonna sit in my dorm and think about what the fuck went wrong. How it got so bad so quickly? It feels like the universe is so against me. It's like everything I do just always ends up going wrong. Even if I'm doing something good, something bad always ends up happening to me. Nothing good every stays with me. Absolutely nothing. 

As soon as I get to my dorm I crash onto my bed and just burst out into tears. All I could think about was how much I wanted to leave this world right now. I mean what's the worst that can happen? The sun will still rise, the moon will still set, the earth will still rotate, the stars will still shine and time will still pass. So what's the point? I mean everyone will just go on with the rest of their lives and forget about me eventually. Not that many people really even care about me anymore.

 These demons consumed through my head, ate away my brain and made it's way to my lungs. And then it clicked. I got up from my bed and went over to my cabinet. I had a bunch of vodka and rum just sitting there. For times like these especially. I grabbed a bottle of vodka and just took a huge gulp from the bottle. My head spins and I take another gulp. I bring it over to my bedside and watch the cars slowly drive past through the window. The traffic lights changed colors and then they all blurred together. The red, the yellow, the green. All blended in together like a kaleidoscope.

~Dylan's Pov~  

Amelia went to the nurses office and just explained she face planted. I told her if she snitched she would be suspended too. I sat in math's quietly and waited for Blaire to come in. Except she didn't. 15 minutes passed and she was still no where to be seen. The teacher called her name on the roll, she was meant to be in class. I start to feel worried. I should've followed her. I'm so stupid. I shouldn't have let her be by herself. 

Suddenly the teacher asks me for my homework. Even though Blaire did it for me, I said I hadn't done it. Which was basically true. "But I do have Blaire's homework" I said. I quickly took the homework from my bag and switched the name to hers. She deserved it to have her name on it. She did it after all. I think the last thing she needed was a detention. The teacher takes it from me and gives me a warning to do my homework next time. I apologise and then the school bell rings for the next break. I decide to go up to her dorm to see if she's okay.

~Back to Blaire's pov~ 

Since I'm not planning on going out anywhere anytime soon, I decide to put on something a little lighter. like this:

 like this:

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