One question. Why?

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~Dylan's Pov~

"Of course" I say assuring. She begins to speak. "Why?" She says. "What do you mean?" I questioned back. "I mean why did you do all this? Why did you always make fun of me, what did I do Dylan. Tell me. Tell me now." She orders. 

It was time to tell her the truth. I was done lying to her. "Well, the truth is..." I begin. "Go on" She says sassily. 

"I really like you. From the first day I saw you, you just looked so perfect. But I feared rejection from you. And I thought you were way too good for me. I didn't want to ask you out and be rejected so instead, I thought If i tried to make myself hate you, then maybe it wouldn't hurt me as much. But it didn't work. And then you met Maxxie. I got jealous and mad so I became more mean to try and hide the fact that I liked you. To try and make myself forget about you. But it made me like you even more. You were so brave and strong. And you just amazed me. I know this sounds crazy but it's the truth." I open up. 

She sits there quietly in shock. "Well, say something?" I ask shaking. 

She starts laughing. "you do realise that is no way to treat someone who you like" she smirks. I felt relieved that she wasn't too mad. "I'm aware of that now." I say. 

"How do I know your not just lying and this is just all apart of your next fucked up plan" she says unsure.

"You have every right to believe that, and I don't blame you. I don't know how to prove it too you, but after what happened I realised it's time for you too know the truth. I got so scared, I thought I lost you. I couldn't let you die think I was a shit person." I started crying. She must think I'm so weak.

"I promise I will do everything to make it up to you, but I think first we need to tell your parents what has been going on" I decide. "Good luck with that. They won't care" She says. I found it hard to believe and thought she just didn't want them to know about it. 

She passed me her phone and I searched up Mum on her phone but I couldn't find her. I tilted the phone towards her and she starts scrolling down. She hasn't talked to her in ages. She clicked on someone and their name was 'fat ass shitface i hate you' Maybe it was just a joke? I dialed the number and it rung for a while and finally someone answered. Her voice was all croaky and she started coughing. "The fuck do you want Blaire?" she says. Blaire gives me a 'i told you so' look. "Um hi Miss Thatcher, this is Dylan, Blaire's friend." I start to say. 

"OoOoOoOOoo are you calling me to tell me Blaire died?" she said happily. "Um no, I just wanted to tell you that she spent the last night in the hospital, she tried to kill herself" I say, already losing faith in her mother. "And why do you think I care? Tell that little shit to try again and try harder this time so she doesn't wake up." she shouts. Blaire snatches her phone out of my hand. "How about you kill yourself mum, you fucking drunk ass bitch" she says and hangs up. I frown and she turns mad. 

How could her mother treat her like that? I ask her if she's okay and she nods her head. "I'm used to it" she replies.

I scroll down to someone called 'druggy ass pedophiliac bitch' I assumed it was her dad. I rung him and it went straight to voicemail. I think he blocked her. Ann old voice started playing. "Hi, its Isaac, call me back if your gonna sell me drugs. fuck off if it's something shit. bye." I cringe and turn to Blaire.

"I told you" She says. I asked her if there is anyone at all I can call. "Yeah my uncle or my brother" She replies. "What's their number" I asked. "Oh they're dead, cancer and suicide." She rubs her eyes. How come the two people who cared about her in her family are gone? Why is her life so unfair. I felt so bad for her. "Well, you have me. and i am not leaving." i assure her. She says thanks but she refuses too believe me. 

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