Goddess In The Sheets

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🚨This chapter contains major smut scenes if you couldn't tell by the title🚨

~Dylan's pov~

"You should take a shower" I say. She listens and walks into the bathroom. She turns her head and smiles at me as I lay down on her bed and she close the door behind her. 

As I begin to take my tie off I hear her call me name. "Dylan" She calls. I get up and walk over to the bathroom and slowly creak the door open. "I need help unzipping my dress" She tells me. She turns around and holds her hair up out of the way. I slowly unzip her dress down up to her waist, revealing her black lacy sexy bra. "Thank you" She says. "No problem" I whisper. 

Just as I turn around to walk out the door and let her have her shower she calls my name again. "Dylan?." "Yes Blaire" I say. "Turn around" she tells me. I listen and slowly turn around, obviously hoping for something more then her standing in her bra. But that's just a wish, most of them don't come true.

I fully turn around and my eyes lock on her chest. She has no shirt or bra on and her dress was down at her waist. Her tits were staring me right in the face. They were so perfect, the perfect big size, they were round and just looked so nice. She was perfect. "May I?" I ask. She nods her head and so I move closer towards her and place both of my hands on her breasts.

They were so warm and felt so nice to squeeze. I could see what all the fuss was about now. I squeezed them tighter and they fit perfectly in my large hands. I rub my fingertip over her left nipple and she gasps, making me feel excited. I look up at her eyes and she bites her lip. She wanted more. I wanted more.

I moved my head to her breasts and i started sucking her left nipple while my hand stayed on her right. I lick her nipple roughly and she lets out a soft moan. I then move to the next nipple and did the same things with my tongue. I then squeezed her tits together while licking them up and down. She was so fucking sexy. I just wanted more. This was all I ever wanted. Her. Just her. To have her all to myself. "Are you a virgin" I ask. "Yes, are you" she says. perfect. No guy has ever had her before me, this was all mine. She was mine and I am the man to pleasure her. To make her feel good. No one else. "Me too" I smirk seductively. Finally, she was all mine.

~Blaire's pov~

It felt so good, his tongue  on my breasts caused goosebumps all over my body. The amazing thing was I wasn't even nervous even though I had never done something like this before with anyone ever. 

He looks up and me and I kiss him passionately. We share each other's spit and put our tongues in each others mouth, tasting every corner of one another's mouth. We moved our lips in sync and starting to move our lips faster, hardly having time to gasp for air. I grab his shirt and rip it off above his head and it falls to the floor.

I run the palm of my hand over his sharp abs and i jump onto him, wrapping my legs around his waist as we still kiss.

While he is holding me he walks us over to my bed where he slams me down onto it, his strong body hovering above mine. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He asks me. I smile and say "I'm positive, you?" "I wouldn't want it with anyone else" He says and starts kissing down my neck leaving hickeys all over my neck and breasts.

I squeeze his back as he runs his tongue against my nipples and then makes his way down to my legs where he takes the rest of my dress off, revealing the only piece of clothing I had left before being fully naked. I had a black lacy G-string on and he bit his lip once he saw. I got up and seductively crawled over to him.

I told his to sit on his knees and he listened. I undid his belt and took pants off to reveal his tradie underwear. His dick was already rock solid, I could see it bulging from his underwear. It was so big. He grabbed me and pushed me down into the bed and slowly took my panties off, revealing my freshly shaved pussy,

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