Chapter 24:

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Chapter 24:

(Harry's POV)

After a while and not being able to hear the toilet flush which would normally be annoying but right now it was just weird, I decided to look where she was. When I left to go see what was going on, it was just Liam pissed and Niall shouting along with him also a little drunk as well, and when I came back into the room after feeding taking my prime opportunity, she was acting like a completely different person. I walked down the hallway and I heard Niall shout my attention

"She's in -" he shouted but sounding like he was being interrupted him. I walked in and saw Ellie kissing Niall. When I first saw them, I wanted to kick him in the balls so hard but looking at his reaction, it was like he was trying to push her away in a way without hurting her feelings. She turned around after and looked annyoed by my presence.

"Yello" she said sohnditng like she didn't want to be in this situation. Yello? I never have heard her say yello as an Introduction to a awkward conversation.

"Gabrielle?" Niall asked. I stood confused when suddenly I remembered that Ellie has a doppelganger called Gabrielle.

"how did you guess?" She said as turned around to face Niall.

"What have you done to Ellie?" He asked sounding pissed

"Ah dammit, why do you have to be the moral high ground?" She asked sounding whinny

"Maybe because you can't do this" he said which then turned into an argument.

"I did this so I could be with you" she shouted now making her view clear

"How many times do I have to say it? I don't want to be with you! Do I have to say it in French? Je ne veux pas être avec vous!" He shouted which made me laugh a bit

"Mais je t'aime" she shouted back at him

"But I don't love you!" He shouted and I could tell this was a dead mans battlefield so I wanted to get to the point at hand

"I couldn't care less who loves who and who can speak the best French, at the moment all I want is Ellie back so please tell us what you've done with her" I shouted getting in between each other and then focusing on her

"Your looking at her" she said proud of herself

"What?" I asked confused as hell.

"This is Ellie, well her body anyway" she explained sounding so full of herself.

"Where is she then? Did you two swap bodies?" I asked trying to work out the puzzle she was giving us.

"She doesn't have a body to swap in to, Gabrielle's dead" Niall spoke up.

"You've not ...?" I asked trying to hint the idea of death. Not that I want her to die because of course I wouldn't want that but I was so confused

"She's not dead, she's switched souls with me, she's in the astral plane and of course your beloved is right in front of you" she said being cocky, a little too cocky for my liking, so if she wants to play it that way, I'll show her how its done.

"Well your Highness, swap your souls back or I will make someone else so it for you, and trust me I will make sure you sorry ass is not only six feet under but also in a solo astral plane all by yourself, got it?" I said. Her reaction was written all over her face so I knee what her next move will be.

"I really don't want to go back" she begged to Niall hoping that he would feel sympathy towards her but I could tell her had no emotions towards her anymore

"There is nothing keeping you here" he bluntly said as she start to tear up

"There's you" she said with a glimpse of hope in her eyes that she would give him the answer she would want

"Not anymore" he said which made her cry even more

"I wanna go home now" she said wiping away her tears with the back of Ellie's hand.

"Well its all down to you" I said. She closed her eyes before she was about to chant:

'From lost partners and souls we stand together,

to swap the places with the other by that strong golden tether,

We stand and unite,

Not knowing what will come,

But let the souls not see the light,

but swap them so they cannot shy away from'

We watched and awaited for the change to occur but when she opened her eyes, I could tell that nothing had changed.

"Did it work?" Niall asked

"No" she huffed

"Well make it work" I said before she repeated the spell again and again but still having the same outcome

"Why is it not working?" I asked getting frustrated with it.

"I don't know, its what I did last time and it usually works over time" she explained.

"I have an idea" Niall said but I ignored it

"Do it again" I said bluntly

"It works after a few minutes" she said

"Guys" Niall said Interrupting

"What?" I asked

"Do you still remember that spell to bring me back into that particular astral plane?" He asked Gabrielle as I stood there not sure what he was on about

"Yes but that wasn't so easy" she said running her hand through her hair

"Make it easy, the spell won't work because its in a hidden plane, you yourself managed it inside the plane but it must be blocked" he explained

"So you want me to go in there?" She asked

"No I don't trust you" I spoke up

"We'll go, make her do the spell and you'll be back to normal" Niall said, his plan actually sounding pretty decent.

"Okay are you sure?" She asked

"Seriously sure" I said making it crystal clear.

"Okay" she said before chanting the spell.

"Astral plane to astral plane
Take these men to there
Make these men see the light
Without death, sin or a defying fright"

The spell caused a great sharp noise to my ears as if it was a piercing scream. I felt a liquid run down my cheek as if I were crying so when I wiped the tears away, I saw it was blood coming from my eyes.

"What did you do?" I asked not surd about this

"I granted your wish" she said trying to defend herself before I collapsed into a tight, crushing dream. I woke up in the middle of a town center which looked like the 1950's.

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