Chapter 6:

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Chapter 6: 

(Ellie's pov)

Once that Dr Rotheryum left, Harry turned to face me. I wanted to tell them that it was the poison from the abortion that's affecting my lungs, i wanted to tell them that it would ware of in a couple of hours and that it is a 24 hour thing but i couldn't, i cant even breath never mind talk. I feel as if all my effort has been drained from me and my main focus is to breath.

"He'll be back soon" he said before kissing me on the cheek. I took off the mask for a moment so i could talk to him

"I need you to text my mum" i managed to say through breaths. I put the mask back on and took a deep breath

"tell her that im going to stay at yours tonight" i said. 

"I think she needs to know" Harry said, i nodded horizontally disagreeing with him.

"Come on Ellie, what if you relapse at your house and i am not there to help? she needs to know" he said before picking up his phone from the side

"Please Harry, don't tell her" I said taking off the mask. He stared at me for a moment before making his decision. 

"Fine, but your staying with me until you get better" He said before texting her

"thank you" i whispered through my mask. The oxygen made me feel loads better, it felt as if someone had picked me up and carried me to the finish line at the end of a marathon. He quickly text her and put the phone back at the side of the bed.

"So what were you thinking of?" he asked randomly. I looked at him puzzled.

"your happy memory"  he said picking up my free hand and kissing it. 

"you" i said after taking of the mask. 

"Really?" he asked slightly shocked. I nodded because it was the truth. My happiest memory of him was when my parents took me on a spontaneous holiday to New Zealand. I had told my parents days before we left that i was dating Harry but all they heard was when i told them he was a vampire. 


We had a free day: this is were basically i am allowed to wander away from my parents and come back later on. For me, i find these days the best out of the entire holiday because i can do whatever i want. I was walking down in the little village near the shops when i saw Harry and his four friends walking down the hill. I felt a little embarrassed because today of all days, i wasn't looking my best. I had short-shorts on due the hot weather, a tucked in baggy white vest-top and wrapped around my waist was a black leather jacket and with dirty white converses' on, my hair was all tied up in a messy ponytail and my tan was very visible compared to the last time he would have seen me. just as i was about to walk past him. I ran down a alley way to avoid seeing him. When i told my parents that i was dating Harry, they threatened to strip my power of being a witch away from me if i were spotted with him, i didn't want to risk that especially on holiday. As i were walking down the alley, a man started following me down it, whistling at pitch which got higher with every few steps he took.

"hey there girly, wanna have some fun in the sun?" he said as i walked quicker away from him. Once i got to the end of the alley-way, it turned out to be a dead end and i was trapped. My brown shoulder bag dropped to the floor and i tripped up on strap. As i landed in front of him, it wasn't difficult for him to take advantage. 

"Well well well, don't trip on my behalf" he said standing in front of me. I got up and picked up my bag but i couldn't go anywhere. He pushed me to the back wall and trapped me with his arms.

"please ... don't" i said crying out of fright.

"I'm not going to hurt you, we're going to have fun" he said sounding encouraging. He put his hand on my stomach and started lowering it, his hand going further down near my torso. 

"Help!" i screamed but i stopped when he slapped me across my face making me fall down

"you don't need help when I'm here" he said, his voice sounding angry. He pulled me up by neck, strangling me as i am lifted. He lets go off me and is pushed to the wall next to us. I am dropped instantly to the floor.

"Ellie?" Harry said looking down at me. I looked up and saw that he was wearing blue shorts, a white shirt with the sleeves folded up and some white converses as-well. 

"Harry!" i said getting up and hugging him.  I looked over at the man who had the boys surrounding him, obviously it was feeding time. 

"we need to get out of here" he said grabbing my hand, he vampire sped out of the alley and into a completely different one. He pushed me against the wall and started kissing me. 

"why are you here?" i asked making him stop kissing me. 

"liam suggested a holiday and he thought of new zealand, thanks for telling me you were going on holiday by the way" he said smiling

"its okay and thanks for saving me" i said 

"its okay, so how come your here?" he asked

"spontaneous holiday created by my parents to keep me away from you" i said

"ah their plan worked well" he said sarcastically, i started laughing a little. I pulled him into a kiss. For the rest of the day, we hung out together and for the rest of the holiday as well but not as much, when there were times were i would be by myself, he would be with me. 

*flashback over*

I removed the oxygen mask from my face and pulled him into kiss me. I only lasted less than half a minute before i couldn't breath again. Those memories where we were so happy and nothing could get in our way felt so distant. 

"what was that for?" he asked as i put the oxygen mask back on.

"i'll be okay" i said through the oxygen mask. Just after i had said that, we leaned in again about to kiss but Harry's ring tone disturbed us. 

"hello?" he said answering it

"oh Dr Rotheryum that was quick" he said before going quiet

"she what?" he said looking at me

"really?" his voice sounding relieved 

"that's good news isn't it?" he asked sounding confused.

"thank you, yes you can get it back tomorrow, that's great, bye" he said before ending the call

"so?" i said through the mask. He put the phone back at the side of the bed and came back to look at me. 

"He said that the poison from the abortion had entered your air-flow which has cause the lack of oxygen. Majority of the poison has left in the sample of blood and is dissolving itself because of your healing ability so he said you'll be fine by tomorrow." he said smiling and sounding relieved. I closed my eyes out of relief as well, this means ill be back to normal by tomorrow evening and me and harry will finally have no bridges to cross. 

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