Chapter 2:

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Chapter 2:

(Ellie's pov)

Once I awakened, I felt a sudden pain on my wrists and my arm. I remember the injection into my arm but I couldn't recall the pain in my wrists. pI tried to pull my wrists from behind my back and saw chains with small pins stuck into my wrists. I saw the blood stains around them and looked down to me feet which were chained the same way. I looked around and saw I was alone in what looked like a dark medieval prison cell.

"Hello?" I said quietly to see in anyone was there lurking in the dark but I had no response. I couldn't help but start sobbing, the pain was agonising and the fact that I was trapped alone scared me.

"Don't cry, it will annoy your neighbours" a soft male voice said from the darkness sounding sarcastically sympathetic. I had heard that voice from somewhere but I couldn't put a name to it straight away.

"Who's there?" I said crawling back but finding myself at a stop when my back hit the wall.

"You won't remember me, you were only a child when I came to your precious daddy's footsteps" he said, the voice was becoming harsh with his tone as he spoke

"My dad? Why do you have something on him?" I asked as if this wasn't the first time my dad has pissed someone off

"I'd rather you hear it from him himself" the voice said getting quieter

"Wait! he won't come!" I shouted. I couldn't see the person but I could tell he was going away

"Trust me he will" he said sounding proud himself

"Let me guess, you left a note or some sort of letter as a clue" I said but then getting no response

"I'm taking that as a yes then, but the thing is he won't be the first one to read it" I explained

"Oh yes, I've heard about your over-protective boyfriend"

"He's not over-protective" I tried to explain

"you have a point, if he were you wouldn't be here right now" I heard the voice start laughing at the end, he must think this is funny but it's one sick joke to me

"How long am I here for?" I asked straight to the point

"How long are here for? Until the potion has completely worked and your dad has come to pick you up"

"My dad will not pick me up" I said moaning a little

"Oh he will because I'm counting on it"

"Who are you anyway?" I asked still trying to find the body to match the voice but all i knew was that the voice is in front of me

"We're related" the voice said sharply

"What are you? my uncle? My cousin?" I said trying to see if the voice would come clean

"If I say who I am you might click on" the voice said, his voice deepened

"Why am I here?" I asked

"Why do you ask so many questions?" the voice said sounding annoyed

"It's not everyday I get kidnapped" I said

"It's not everyday you can get pregenant" the voice whispered

"How did you know about that? simon is that you?" I asked worried.

"I'm not simon" the voice said straight away after I mentioned his name.

"How did you know I'm pregnant?" I asked

"You should rephrase that to how did you know I was pregnant" the voice said. what was he on about? wait ... he changed the sentence to past.

"What did you do to me?" I asked. Before I get an answer, I see a shadow run around in the dark and then a loud thump hit my ears. I closed my eyes out of fear but when I heard the sweet voice in my ear, they opened straight away out of relief.

"Ellie it's me, you've got to trust it's me" Harry said

"I don't believe you" I said crawling backwards to the left to try and get away

"Come on ellie, what do I have to do to prove to you it's me?" he said coming closer to me but I kept on crawling away, I could feel the pain as the pins in chains pierce my wrists and ankles, my eyes welled up as the pain grew.

"Ellie stop running away, your hurting yourself" he said moving closer towards me

"Don't hurt me" I said, my voice croaking as the tears streamed down my face. I couldn't tell if he was actually Harry or not. The last time I thought I saw Harry, it turned out to be an imposter and I was gagged and drugged.

"I would never hurt you" he said looking into my eyes.

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