Chapter 4:

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Chapter 4:

(Ellie's pov)

When Louis clarified that it was him, I suddenly felt weak and tired. But for some reason, feeling this weak made me relax and it's been a while for me to feel like this. I don't even how long I've been out for but when I opened my eyes, I could tell it was hours not minutes. I looked around not moving my head to see where I was. I noticed that I was in Harry's room, so when I sat up, I saw Harry quickly come from his beanbag in front of the door and come to my side in a blink. 

"Careful Ellie" he putting a cushion behind my back 

"Thanks" I said as he sat in front on me. I looked down at my ankles and my wrists and saw that they were tightly bandaged.

"Are they ok? are they too tight? I can loosen them for you" he said 

"There fine thank you" I said looking into his eyes, full of passion and worry

"How long-" I asked before my bovid cut of on me

"How long have I been out?" I repeated but my voice was croaky 

"A couple of hours, a little bit longer" he said looking down at my wrists. he took my right arm and with his thumb, started a circling motion over my bandage

"What did they do to you?" he whispered only looking at my wrist. I then remembered the whole event, how someone took my unborn baby away from me, how the person who did this is related to my father. I held in the tears by deeply breathing in

"I'm not pregnant" I said and this made him look into my eyes straight away

"I shouldn't have let you go, I should have gone after you, I should have stayed with you until it was safe, I should-" he ranted before I cut him off by a kiss. My hands were on both of his cheeks and I stopped and put our foreheads together. I breathed deeply in again feeling the tension

"I'm here" I said as he closed his eyes

"I'm fine now" I said releasing my hands from his cheeks

"I can feel your pain" he said opening his eyes

"It's bearable" I whispered

"It shouldn't have to be there in the first place" his voice became more sharp

"Well you can't turn back time" I said hopefully bringing the conversation to an end. We went silent for a couple of minutes until I broke of the ice

"I really should be getting back, my dads home and If he finds out I'm gone, he'll go up the wall" I said hanging my feet over the bed to stand up but when I did stand up, the pain in my ankles forced me to collapse onto the floor but before my head could hit the carpet, Harry had grabbed me and put me back on the bed as if I had never moved.

"Well it looks like your not going anywhere" he said. I didn't click on that he was sat up next to me on the double bed. I didn't even bother to argue it because I didn't particularly want to go home anyway so I just stayed quiet and as Harry slide down the bed so he was lying down, I cuddled up to him as slowly went into a deep sleep again.

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