Going Through Changes

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At the Parker residents, we see Ben Parker and May Parker, Y/n's aunt and uncle, at the dining table talking over a glass of coffee, after of course Ben got finished fixing the light.

Ben: And the Lord said, "Let there be light." And voile! There is light. Forty soft, glowing watts of it.

May: Good boy. God will be thrilled. Just don't fall on your ass.

Ben: I'm already on my ass, May. When the plant's senior electrician is laid off after 35 years what would you call it? I am on my ass. 

May: Hand me that dish. The green one. 

Ben: The corporation is downsizing the people and upsizing their profits.

May: Oh, Ben, you'll get another job somewhere.

Ben: Well, let's look in the paper and see. There are the want ads. What do we got here? Computer... Computer salesman, computer engineer, computer analyst. My Lord, even the computers need analysts these days. I'm 68. I'm too old for computers, and besides, I have a family to provide for.

May: I love you. And Y/n loves you. You're the most responsible man I've ever known. We've been down-and-out before. But somehow, we survive. [Y/n walks in; drops his bag on the floor] Hi, sweetie. You're just... Just in time for dinner.

Ben: How you doing, buddy? How was the field trip?

Y/n: [Not feeling himself] I don't feel well. I'm gonna go to sleep.

May: You won't have a bite?

Y/n: [Walks upstairs] No thanks, had a bite.

Ben: Did you get some pictures, Y/n?

Y/n: [From upstairs] I gotta crash. Everything's fine.

Ben: [To May; confused] What's that all about?

Y/n takes his shirt off and looks as if he's a mindless zombie. He slowly falls to the ground and grabs a blanket, pulling it over his body as he slowly drifts into a deep sleep. As he begins sleeping, the words of the Science Department Guide starts ringing in his head.

Guide(In Y/n's head): In this recombination lab we use synthesized transfer RNA to encode an entirely new genome combining the genetic information from all three into these 15 genetically designed super-spiders.

After awhile we go from the Parker residents to Oscorp Industries at night, where we see Mendel Stromm standing in front of some chamber with an uneasy look on his face.

Mendel Stromm: Dr. Osborn, please. The performance enhancers aren't ready. The data just doesn't justify this test. Now, I'm asking you for the last time. We can't do this.

Norman: Don't be a coward. Risks are part of laboratory science. 

Mendel Stromm: Let me reschedule, with the proper medical staff and a volunteer. If you just give me two weeks...

Norman: [Takes off science jacket and suit] Two weeks? In two weeks we'll have lost the contract to Quest and Oscorp will be dead. Sometimes you gotta do things yourself. Get me the Promachloraperazine.

Mendel Stromm: For what?

Norman: It begins catalyzation when the vapor hits the bloodstream. [Looks at Promachloraperazine] 40 thousand years of evolution, and we've barely even tapped the vastness of human potential. [Drinks the liquid; throws Promachloraperazine onto ground]

Next thing Norman gets the metal gurney ready as he brings the bars up. Mendel Stromm then straps Norman down, only for him to feel a little chill hit his chest.

2002 Spider-Man Trilogy x Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now