The Spider and The Cat

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Y/n Pov:

After my second encounter with Black Cat in Chelsea last night, I'm currently sitting in the apartment talking to Mary Jane about the entire situation concerning Black Cat, and at first she thought I was crazy but then she just... she was just hoping I'd actually find her.

Mary Jane: [Brings in glasses of juice; hands one to Y/n] So, how're you gonna find Black Cat?

Y/n: [Takes glass] To be honest, MJ, I don't know. I really just expected to swing around at night and hope for the best. I'll be honest though, she's good.

Mary Jane: Yeah well...

Y/n: [Snickers] What?

Mary Jane: [Lays hand on Y/n's; whispers] Just don't get into trouble with this "Black Cat." Okay, tiger.

That's what Mary Jane told me that night, which meant a lot to me. A few nights after that I'm swinging around with one goal on my mind: Find Black Cat again. While swinging around I catch eye of my cat friend and land down next to her.

Spider-Man: [To Black Cat] So, you gonna stay put this time?

Black Cat: [Seductive] Perhaps, if you make the chase more exciting, Spider.

Spider-Man: Hate to burst your bubble, but I'm kinda taken.

Black Cat: So I heard. By the way, you remember those guys you beat up the other day, in the art gallery?

Spider-Man: I remember.

Black Cat: Well, it turns out there's a whole ring of 'em. I just happened to find their hideout the other day. [Turns around] I could show you, if you could take a break from chasing after bad girls like me.

Spider-Man: [Hesitant] W-What's that supposed to mean? [Gets to point] What the heck, sure. I could take some time to follow you to the spot.

The chase begins, only this time it appears she's actually leading me to a hideout where those guys from the art gallery run things. Ever since meeting Black Cat I could definitely say I've begun learning more about her with each encounter, and I could tell she's not really a criminal, just someone who wants to do whatever she wants.

Black Cat: You're getting a little better at following me. I think there might be hope for you yet.

Spider-Man: Hey, I was just going easy on you before!

She's going even faster than before, that I can admit, but she wasn't wrong when she said I was getting better at keeping up. Black Cat as I've mentioned was interesting to say the least, but I still couldn't find myself able to understand her motives or why she would want to live a life of stealing.

Black Cat: C'mon, Spidey, don't get all lethargic on me! Keep up.

Spider-Man: [Confused by wording] Lethargic? You're the one weaving like a drunken sailor!

She finally stops and I start questioning why she decided now of all times to take interest in a guy who just got bit by an enhanced super spider.

Spider-Man: What made you come get me?

Black Cat: [Puts hand on left hip] Isn't that what you do?

Spider-Man: Well, yeah but--

Black Cat: Hey, I can be nice. I don't always bite-- [Turns seductive] unless you want me to... Come on now, don't fall behind.

The running starts again and if it wasn't just me, I'd think she was getting some enjoyment out of this too. I've never knew anyone who was this fast and energetic, well other than me that is. Out of all the guys I've gone up against, Black Cat was definitely something. She wasn't anything like The Goblin, Doc Ock, Rhino, and with each passing day, more guys just kept showing up.

2002 Spider-Man Trilogy x Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now