Letting MJ Know/Octavius' Machine

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Y/n is currently at Columbia University standing next to a phone and prepared to call Mary Jane, hoping to explain his absence from the theater from last night. He picks up the phone, puts his 50 cents in and waits for MJ to pick up the phone, which her beeper actually appears.

Mary Jane's Ringtone: Hi. It's me. Sing your song at the beep.

Y/n: Hi, MJ. This is Y/n. [MJ paces around in her room; listening to Y/n's voice] I was on my way to your show and... Well, I was on my bike... Are you there? I really was planning on it all day. And... I know you predicted I'd disappoint you.

Mary Jane: [Whispers; clicks her fingers] Bingo.

Y/n: [MJ moves to the phone; still listening] It's amazing, isn't it? How complicated a simple thing... like being someplace at 8:00 can become. Actually, there was this obnoxious usher. [Screen goes back to Y/n] Somebody has to talk to that usher, MJ.

Phone: Your time has expired. Please deposit 50 cents for the next five minutes.

Y/n: [Whispers] I wanna tell you the truth. [Sighs] Here it is. [Puts phone up to ear] I'm Spider-Man. Weird, huh? Now you know why I can't be with you. If my enemies found out about you... if you got hurt, I could never forgive myself. I wish I could tell you how I feel about you.

Y/n puts the phone into the booth, finished and also knows MJ's not in the mood to talk to him even if he hadn't have told her of being Spider-Man. He then makes his way to Dr. Octavius' lab where Harry and lots of other people are seen prepared for the unveiling of his machine.

Dr. Octavius: Ladies and gentlemen... my wife Rosie and I would like to welcome you this afternoon. But first, before we start... has anybody lost a large roll of 20-dollar bills in a rubber band? Because we found the rubber band.

The crowd slightly chuckles at Otto's joke, and he lets out his own chuckle but gets back to the big main event of the evening.

Dr. Octavius: It's a terrible joke. But thank you for coming. Today... you will witness the birth of a new fusion-based energy source. Safe, renewable energy and cheap electricity for everyone. And now let me introduce my assistants. 

Dr. Octavius pulls the covers off, revealing four mechanical arms.

Dr. Octavius: These four actuators were developed and programmed... for the sole purpose of creating successful fusion. They are impervious to heat and magnetism. 

Otto Octavius straps himself into the arms and once on, they start moving upon his command.

Dr. Octavius: These smart arms are controlled by my brain through a neural link. Nanowires feed directly into my cerebellum... allowing me to use these arms to control fusion reaction... in an environment no human hand could enter.

Female Civilian: Doctor, if the artificial intelligence in the arms... is as advanced as you suggest... couldn't that make you vulnerable to them?

Dr. Octavius: How right you are. Which is why I developed this inhibitor chip... to protect my higher brain function. It means I maintain control of these arms, instead of them controlling me. And now on to the main event. Give me the blue light, Rosie. 

Rosie Octavius turns the lights off and Otto Octavius begins pushing buttons on his computer, when a small sphere like substance, tritium, is seen coming up from a tube. Dr. Octavius uses one of the arms and grabs the tritium.

Dr. Octavius: Precious tritium is the fuel that makes this project go. There's only pounds of it on the whole planet. I'd like to thank Harry Osborn and Oscorp Industries for providing it.

Harry: Happy to pay the bills, Otto.

Dr. Octavius: Ladies and gentlemen... [Puts goggles over eyes] fasten your seat belts.

2002 Spider-Man Trilogy x Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now