Play/Meeting Family

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(Reason behind the name of this chapter is because I'm adding Marko going to see Penny.)

The movie starts off with Spider-Man swinging around, enjoying the peace of New York City as he does and as always, Y/n Parker does his little own narrative.

Y/n: "It's me, Y/n Parker. Your friendly neighborhood... you know. I've come a long way from being the boy who was bit by a spider. Back then, nothing seemed to go right for me. Now..."

The scene then shows a huge screen showing Spider-Man swinging, and Y/n is seen looking at it with some kids, who appear to be excited about getting to see their hero.

Amazed Kid #1: Wow, look, it's Spider-Man!

Amazed Kid #2: Super cool! Spider-Man!

Y/n: "People really like me." [Sees kids leave] Stick around. It's gonna start again in a couple minutes.

Amazed Kid #3: That's okay.

Y/n: "The city is safe and sound. I guess I've had something to do with that. My Uncle Ben would be proud. I still get to school. Top of my class."

The scene goes to Dr. Connors' classroom where we see Y/n, his classmates, Felicia and someone new listening to the lesson.

This girl was Gwen Stacy, and though she's new Y/n has gotten her around just as he did with Felicia when she first started at Columbus University

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This girl was Gwen Stacy, and though she's new Y/n has gotten her around just as he did with Felicia when she first started at Columbus University.

Dr. Connors: Now, the Hamiltonian shows us... [Spit ball hits Y/n; Dr. Connors continues] that the energy levels are perturbed by the electric field. From the form of this matrix, we can see? [Gwen raises hand] Miss Stacy?

Gwen: That only the "m equals zero quantum states" are affected.

Dr. Connors: Correct. Good work, Miss Stacy. [Gwen turns to Y/n who thumbs up; light shines in his eye, getting Dr. Connors' attention] Parker? You got something to add?

Y/n: No, sir. [Back to narrative] "And I'm in love with the girl of my dreams."

Y/n goes to a jewelry shop where he's looking down at a ring, and the reason is he's been thinking of one main thing in his life, and that's asking MJ to marry him. After leaving the jewelry shop he's seen standing in line at a ticket booth at Broadway where Manhattan Memories is being shown.

Y/n: [To Receptionist] Hi. Miss Watson left a ticket for me. Y/n Parker. [Walking through isle] Excuse me. Sorry. Thank you. Sorry. [Sighs] I'm so nervous.

The lights then shine on the curtains and they open up to reveal Mary Jane on a set of stairs. He looked at his girlfriend with complete happiness in his eyes. MJ had said she wanted to light up Broadway, and there she was, and what was even better was Y/n sitting in the front row.


The singing ended with the crowd clapping and Mary Jane feeling proud of herself, but what Y/n didn't expect was to see his best friend Harry showing up.

Y/n: Harry?

Y/n sees him walking to his limo and walks up to him, trying to talk about the last time they've seen one another.

Y/n: Harry! I need to talk to you. Explain things.

Harry: [Turns to Y/n; glares at him] Tell it to my father. Raise him from the dead.

Y/n: I'm your friend, Harry. I cared about your father.

Y/n was revealed to Harry when he tried killing him for the death of Norman Osborn, and Y/n has tried talking to Harry about it ever since. He's attempted to call him, going to his place, but with every try he's only ended with failure. He goes back inside and walks over to Mary Jane, who's getting out of her previous attire.

Y/n: MJ!

Mary Jane: [Sees him coming] Y/n!

Y/n: Congrats!

The two share a hug, and rightfully so, but Mary Jane feels nervous about her performance.

Mary Jane: Was I good?

Y/n: Good? You were great. You were...

Mary Jane: You said great. I love my flowers, they're beautiful. And those are from Harry. Was he here tonight?

Y/n: Yeah, I ran into him outside.

Mary Jane: What's with you guys anyway?

Y/n: It's complicated.

Mary Jane: Tell me again. Was I really good? I was so nervous. My knees were shaking.

Y/n: Your knees were fine.

Mary Jane: The applause wasn't very loud.

Y/n: Yes, it was. Well, it's the acoustics. It's all about diffusion. It keeps the sound waves from grouping. When the sound waves, they propagate, then it's like an...

Mary Jane: You are such a nerd.

The scene goes to the Osborn residents where we see the helmet of Green Goblin, or more commonly known as Norman Osborn, sitting on a stand next to a chrome plated one and a newer model created personally by Harry, who's in the same chamber that Norman used the performance enhancers to gain his new strength. He steps out and takes a deep breath. We then go to Y/n and Mary Jane who're sitting in the park, lying down on a web attached to a tree, looking up at the stars. A shooting star suddenly goes by and the two let out an 'woo' each.

Y/n: Did you see that one?

Mary Jane: You know what? I'd like to sing on-stage for the rest of my life... [Turns to Y/n] with you in the first row.

Y/n: [Turns to MJ] I'll be there.

Mary Jane: Tell me you love me.

Y/n: I love you. I love you so much. I always have.

The two kiss and just enjoy this moment, but suddenly something shoots into the atmosphere and hits the ground hard, revealing some black goop like sustenance crawling out of it. Y/n then lowers himself and Mary Jane down onto the ground and walk over to his scooter.

Y/n: [Starts engine; looks to MJ] Ready?

Mary Jane: Yep.

The two get ready to leave but the goop latches onto the license plate as the scooter starts moving. We then go to see the train moving and underneath it we see someone running from what looks like the police. This person was Flint Marko, who was a small-time crook who recently confessed to killing Ben Parker and has been in and out of prison.


2002 Spider-Man Trilogy x Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now