Travelling (P1)

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"Lucky that he fell into this time hole."

I heard...things.

"Where are his bracelets?"

"I don't think he would wear bracelets."

"Right, right."

Bracelets? ..Are they referring to my inhibitors?

"Hngh." Shadow slowly opened his eyes, gave a few blinks on the surroundings. He doesn't recognize this place.

But he do recognize this white hedgehog.

"Shadow! are you feeling okay?" Silver was holding a few unknown medical substances, he put everything down and relieved that he doesn't have to use any of these.

"How did I get into the future?" Shadow got down from where he lied, a hovering bed, "I thought I was..."

"Dead?" Blaze popped out from behind a shelf with a flat device on her hand, showing holograms of Shadow's injury, "You were supposed to be dead, but the time hole that you fell into has stopped your injured process."


"Time hole?" Shadow asked.

"We were just in time to perform surgery on your wounds. Do not let your wounds gotten wet, do not eat spicy food, do not-" Blaze ignored his question.

"Time hole." Shadow said again, with emphasis this time.

Blaze stopped to look at him, and then she looked at Silver.

Silver looked troubled, his head was hung low.

"Look, I," Silver sighed, "I didn't know he left something in my dimension."

"A fragment?"

"Yes! It was Mephiles, he... He used the fragments that scattered all around different dimensions as last resorts, separating his senses into different fragments to store."Silver sat down on a table, "And when one of his senses joins the another,"

"He would create a time hole." Shadow continued his words.

Silver gave a shocking look at him, "You knew but you still asked?"

In just second, Silver has came to senses, "Wait, your wound, Mephiles attacked your world?"

"Even worse." Shadow closed his eyes and turned away his face, "Sonic teamed up with him."

"WHAT?" Both Silver and Blaze yelled in distrust, Blaze assumed there's a misunderstanding, "you must be mistaken. Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog, a legendary, he's a hero."

"Yeah, he wouldn't do that."


No point in arguing.

Shadow suddenly remembered Tails was in the G.U.N. headquarters without any of his friends know the exact location. A tingling was felt from his injury, he calmed himself down with a deep breath and a deep sigh, "There's another fragment in mine, which by now is where Mephiles would be heading to. I need to contact Tails."

Silver let out a groan, "What does he want this time?"

"What I know for now is that the aim is to erase everyone's existence." Shadow looked at Blaze, hoping she could have some idea.

"Is there anyway I can contact Tails?"

Silver and Blaze exchanged a concerning look.

"Existence...?" Silver quietly repeated the same thing to himself.

Blaze squinch his forehead, "There's used to have a way, but ever since the time hole appear, the magnetic force has been unbalanced."

Blaze took out his Sol Emeralds, "I have tried everything, but it seems I have lost the connection to the emeralds."

Blaze softly sighed.

Silver gave his friend a pat on shoulder, "I could try using a chaos emerald, but I don't have any right now."

Shadow frowned. He was drained out with his chaos energy, Blaze lost connection and Silver is useless.

"Everybody, every fucking body relies on me!"

His voice came into Shadow's mind. The world really do rely on Sonic.

Maybe it is as he said, everything is defined, fate is sealed. We are all playing in a theater called "world".


Shadow's ear flinched again.

"Sonic?" Silver questioned as he looked at the gang.

"From...above." Blaze looked up, in just a second, the ceiling broke down and Sonic face planted on the floor.


Shadow immediately take action, he grabbed the dizzy hedgehog form the floor and pinned him against the wall beside.

"Why?" He asked, he can feel anger thrusted his chest, making the tingling into piercing pain.

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