Travelling (P3) Re-written Version

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Author's note: I didn't like the first version that I've written for this chapter, I wrote that when I was damn sleepy, so I made some edits:

They all landed foot on Green Hill after teleport.

But the grass of Green Hill was dyed in grey, the sky was dark, nothing looks peaceful like usual.

Sonic's the first one to react while others just stunned by the view, "What happened when I'm gone?" He exclaimed softly, but enough for Shadow to overhear.

Silver kneeled down as his hand touched the ground, "It's grey because this timeline is frozen."

Shadow look around his surroundings, "Sonic, we need to get to Tail's lab, that skinny fox is smart, he might left something for you."

Sonic instantly pulled back to his senses when his name being called upon. But he said nothing, only stared at Shadow like an


Shadow thought to himself. He grabbed Sonic's chin with his palm, "focus, Sonic, we need to get to the lab fast, don't waste our time."

Sonic shook his head, making his "CPU" back to work, "right, right, you're right, tails is" he lifted his left leg with his fingers pointing at one way, "this way."

Just when he was about to take off another blue blur strike on the current timeline's Sonic, the blue blur then pulled out a chaos spear and aimed it at the grey world's Sonic, about to stab it down the throat.

"What the?" Silver shouted so loud, but he didn't stop for a second to make himself ready to attack, a mint blueish green force field immediately blocked the lethal attack coming from, you know who. A sharp bam can be heard from afar when the spear hits the force field.

"Omg you're not dead yet, Shadow?" Said a familiar voice, it's none other than Sonic the Hedgehog, the one hero who betrayed everyone.

Shadow's gaze was locked upon this crazy Sonic ever since he appeared. He has questions, he has anger, he has regret and everything else, but he just don't know what to say.

At the moment when Shadow was hesitating what to ask what to say, Sonic already stood in front of him. His hand on his chin, his pair of emeralds were looking up and down at Shadow curiously like a cat, "how are you still standing without your inhibitors?"

With a grunt, Shadow attack crazy Sonic with a fist punch right on his stomach, he quickly shouted "Go! Get to Tails's!"

"Ough, wow," Sonic was sent backwards a few steps, "still powerful, but not really."

Sonic did not stay for a fight with Shadow, he quickly went for the group that ran away from the scene.

Shadow thought Sonic was here to kill him, but now he's shocked at seeing Sonic chasing over the group. Shadow tried to run and followed, but his speed ain't that fast compare to Silver and Blaze who can float in the sky, neither the two Sonics. No more chaos energy, it turned him into a normal being.

Shit shit shit

After feeling some minutes of useless effort, he then took a sharp turn to another direction.


"Did I say you can go? Like c'mon, not even a hello?"

Blaze and Silver is the most confuse, but they don't have time for that. As Sonic keep chasing behind them, Silver attacked him by manipulating objects to block his way and slowed him down, Blaze on the other hand attacked him directly with fire balls.

Grey world's Sonic knew he can't fight, he smelt his death when the chaos spear was pulled out. Right now, he needs to get to the lab, that's one thing for sure.

"Sonic, are you out of your mind or what??" Blaze is getting exhausted and more irritated, "is this some kind of manipulation by Mephiles or Eggman?"

Sonic laughed, he muttered under his breath, "you guys are so annoying."

He pulled out two chaos spear and threw them at those two floating in midair, as they are focusing on the first attack, Sonic spin dashed those two down.

After two forces were gone in battle, he had a chance, an opening. He ran up the loopty loop and tried to use gravity force to land and crashed on grey world's Sonic.

Well, he was about to land, but a motorcycle crashed into his face instead in the mid air. He crashed landed on the other side.

Wiping off blood running down from his nose, Sonic picked himself up, "Ugh, you again?" He saw the grey world's Sonic already pull up some distance between them, he gave a himself a laugh, "haha, looks like I have to kill you first,"

He dashed forward with a spear, but this one's purple.

Shadow couldn't believe it.

To what extent does this hedgehog has gone mad? To bind with Mephiles power?

"What the hell Sonic? What has become of you?" Shadow can't rely on speed anymore, the only thing he can do is dodging attacks, while buying some time.

"Oh you mean this?" Sonic said as he stab one purple chaos spear into the ground, as he missed Shadow's head.

Shadow rolled over and flipped his body up, back to battle stance. Even though Shadow already quick enough for a normal being, but Sonic came real fast, each attack directly goes for the kill, the head, the throat, the heart.

I really don't know how much I can hold longer.

"It's some gift from my acquaintance."

Sonic said as he pinned down Shadow, pushing the spear towards his head, while Shadow is using his every single force to block it, but it seems futile. The spear gets nearer and nearer, as it gets almost half a millimeter near to the his red pupil, a blazing fire ball attacked Sonic. Shadow gets the chance to wreck down Sonic's arm and took the Spear, now the position changed, he's pinning down Sonic.

"You better start explaining." Pointing the spear at the crazy Sonic, Shadow threatened the still smiling hedgehog for answers.

"I do."


Sonic gave the same kick that Shadow did just now and ran off.

Shadow was dumbfounded, then frustrated, he clenched his teeth shut and made a frustrated noise, "Get to the lab, hurry!"
Grey world's Sonic ran towards the small laboratory in near sight, he slammed open the door and yelled out his little brother's name, yet no one responded.

He then searched around for anything Tails could have left behind, just like what Shadow said, "C'mon c'mon, there's gotta be something."

"Find anything?"

What? Grey world's Sonic turned around, the last thing he saw is the spear pierce through his chest, he can hear his slowed heartbeat.

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