Chapter 4 - Ambition

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Author's Note: CW for blood in the artwork of this chapter. It's at the end, so you can scroll past quickly or hit back or whatever you prefer. 👌

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"Ah, here it is." From the folder stuffed in his arms, Dottore pulls out a document and slams it on the laboratory's centre workbench. "Documentation pertaining to another individual known to have made contact with the Abyss. This, I believe, is the answer to our own issue. That is unless Her Majesty has reconsidered my offer to replicate Tartaglia instead? The cloning process would likely be similar to the one I have already developed, after taking into account the instability of the host—"

"I will not willingly sacrifice another of my children should there be an alternative solution before us," interjects the Tsaritsa. "Read, Dottore, and let us proceed with the intended purpose of this meeting."

If Zhongli were in Liyue, he would make an attempt to mediate, but this land is not his own and the people not his, and so he sits awkwardly between them, hands folded neatly on the countertop.

Dottore makes an indignant sound with his throat as he leans forward, tapping the document with a clawed fingernail. "As you wish. Her Majesty will already be aware of this one—Takamine the Mistsplitter, of Inazuma. Fought in the cataclysm and was eventually overwhelmed, lost fighting against the dark forces alone for many years. Now"—he peers at Zhongli, the soulless visage of his mask burning into him—"are you familiar with this name?"

"Takamine...I have heard the name, but not the tale," says Zhongli.

"Few outside of Inazuma have," replies Dottore. "However, when a child possessing forbidden powers entered our midst, we did a little digging to ascertain the nature of what we were dealing with. The Jester wished to ensure we were not inviting a lit explosive into our fold, although personally I think it might have been more interesting if we had."

Zhongli leans forward to inspect the document, on which an elegant gold and purple bow and a similarly matching sword are drawn along the sides. This Takamine must have been quite the warrior to have had such fine weapons forged for his hand.

"This Takamine—he fought against the forces of the Abyss and survived to tell the tale?"

"You might say that." Dottore smirks and turns the page. "He returned, eventually. However, according to the account of Asase Hibiki, a shrine maiden of the time who was said to be most precious to him, all that returned were the darkened remains of his soul, and so she slayed him with the very same bow he had entrusted to her in a wager before leaving. Ironic, wouldn't you say?"

Ironic is not the word Zhongli would use. Tragic, perhaps, but not ironic. To battle through the forces of the Abyss and come back changed to the point that his dearest was forced to slay him with his own weapon...

The thought of Zhongli thrusting his spear through Foul Legacy's chest, leaving Childe clawing and struggling against the instrument impaling him, forces its way into Zhongli's head and he clenches his toes, his face suddenly too warm despite the frosty aura of the Tsaritsa beside him.

"No comment? A shame. However I would like to turn your attention to two more items of importance." Dottore licks his finger and flicks through his folder again, pulling out a document picturing an arrow decorated with a red and white bow, red fletching running the length of the shaft. "The very arrow said to have slain Takamine himself."

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