Chapter 25 - Trust

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Author's Note: Chapter content warning: Nothing more extreme than has already been discussed regarding Childe's sexual history, but this chapter does revisit those topics and includes depictions of anxiety during sex and trauma-based responses. The resolution to the scene is healing / cathartic, but please be aware if you need to be in the right headspace to read. ❤

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As the week continues, Ajax grows more restless with each day that passes. He inundates Xiao with demands for duels, takes himself out on long patrols away from the group, and returns covered in blood in the evenings, which Zhongli helps wash from him without question.

On the final day before they are due to depart to the Abyss, he manages to drag home an entire geovishap. The adepti cook the meat on an open fire while Ping takes care of the hide, fashioning it into boots, arm guards, and other useful items.

Gathered around a bubbling pot of geovishap soup, the group sits and eats, each taking their turn to serve their own fill while voicing their gratitude to Ajax, their hunter and chef for the day. Ajax takes the compliments in stride with a charming smile and, of course, a not-too-brief recount of the battle which brought them their dinner tonight.

Although having never seen a person kick a geovishap into defeat, following Ajax's fervent description of the act, Zhongli thinks he has a good idea of what it must look like.

The fire simmers to an amber glow, and a woody smoke lingers throughout the clearing as the moon rises to the east. The adepti break off into pairs and trios to chat, and soon Zhongli finds himself moderating a fiery debate between Cloud Retainer and Ping on the subject of boot lacing.

For one who does not often wear footwear, Cloud Retainer has much to say about the subject, and as the pair launch into their next segment, Zhongli yearns for respite, searching for Ajax's face in the crowd. He doesn't have to look far. Ajax sits on a log by the remnants of the fire, poking the embers with a stick, deaf to the conversation surrounding him.

"Please excuse me for a moment," Zhongli says to Cloud Retainer and Ping.

Zhongli leaves their company to join him and Ajax looks up as he approaches, giving a brief smile before returning his attention to the fire. Zhongli sits beside him, their knees brushing against each other.

"Hey." Ajax pokes at a stray piece of charred wood. "Having fun tonight?"

"I was about to ask you the same."

"Me? Of course! We finally get to face the Abyss in battle tomorrow, what's there not to look forward to?"

"That is what I was hoping you would tell me."

Ajax gives the dying fire a final jab then sits up, resting his hands against the bark. "It's loud, Zhongli. It knows we're coming, knows I'm coming."

Zhongli reaches out and squeezes Ajax's knee. "You wish to retire somewhere quieter for the evening?"

"Maybe. I don't know."

Zhongli clicks his tongue and looks around. Everyone is well occupied with eating or talking, and Xiao left several hours ago, citing an incident at Wangshu Inn he had to resolve. Cloud Retainer catches his eye and beckons him over.

Zhongli gives Ajax's knee a quick pat. "One minute, I shan't be long."

Ajax doesn't reply and Zhongli attends to Cloud Retainer and Ping, providing the excuse that as much as he is enjoying their vibrant debate, he is unfortunately feeling suddenly quite tired and is unable to adjudicate as effectively as he wishes. With understanding nods, the pair accept, bidding him a good night and good rest in preparation for the day ahead.

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