Chapter 28 - Betrayal

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Without hesitation, the adepti raise their weapons, preparing to target Foul Legacy, and as one releases a spear of pyro toward Foul Legacy's head, Zhongli runs the odds. Tartaglia is powerful, but with half a dozen adepti focus firing on him it's unlikely he would walk away unscathed.

The spear less than a metre from them, Zhongli summons a shield and the spear collides with it, fizzling and fading, closely followed by a further barrage of projectiles the adepti send toward them, sputtering into the air with a defeated sigh.

"Ah." The pressure of the blade against Zhongli's jugular decreases. "So you've decided to play along... How interesting."

"One demands that you release Rex Lapis this instant!" calls Cloud Retainer, elemental energy swirling beneath her wings.

Mountain Shaper is quick to join her. "After he took you in, this is how you repay our Lord's generosity?"

Xiao stamps the end of his spear against the ground but has no words to add, his expression torn between resignation and deep embitterment.

"Please." Zhongli holds up his hands. "There is no need for alarm on my behalf. If it is I whom our target wishes to speak with, then we shall speak."

"But Rex Lapis—"

"This is my judgement. Please raise no further weapons against Tartaglia."

The adepti mumble their protests, but settle as requested.

Zhongli gives himself over to Foul Legacy's hold, taking stock of the situation. There are two mutually incompatible possibilities: One is that Ajax is acting, in which case this provides them both the perfect cover to approach together to take down their foe. The other is that Ajax is not acting, in which case his mind is not his own and Zhongli shall not see him pierced by blade and scorched by flame for the crimes of another. Here, compliance will also bring Zhongli closer to his target, buying him time to formulate a new plan to bring Ajax back to himself.

"Not going to fight back?" hisses Foul Legacy. "Disappointing."

"I will not fight you, Ajax."

Foul Legacy grunts. "Boring. But never mind. The power I will soon receive shall more than make up for it."

Zhongli doesn't know what power he is talking about, but it is almost certainly nothing suitable nor healthy for the human form to bear. "Do you truly need this? Are you not powerful enough through the feats of your own skill?"

"It is useless." The crystal's voice echoes through the chamber. "He has made his decision, and he shall be rewarded in time, as a good servant should be. Now, please bring the Geo Archon to me. I wish to inspect him."

The barrier shrinks inward, forming a protective bubble around the crystal and coating its chains in a gelatinous layer of protection.

It appears their opponent is confident, yet not foolish.

A knee jams in Zhongli's back, urging him forward, and Foul Legacy wrestles him into the chamber, directing them toward a set of stairs rising up to the room's centre.

Footsteps behind indicate the adepti attempting to follow them inside, but Zhongli calls back, "Stay there, all of you. We cannot pass through the interior barrier, and there may be a further danger in crossing its initial perimeter."

The footsteps halt.

Foul Legacy steers Zhongli up the stairs, and as they approach the top, he can make out the shape of a tall, flat rock formation atop it. Initially, it had appeared to be a part of the patterning within the wall, but now up close, Zhongli can only wish that it was as innocuous as that.

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