Chapter 17 - Life Goes On

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Childe doesn't return to the sofa after the first night, nor the second, nor the third.

In fact, one week later, he displays no indication of wishing to return. Not that Zhongli is thinking of asking him to—he would miss the moments when they're settled in bed before they sleep, where Childe asks a mundane question about Zhongli's day and no matter how Zhongli answers, it sparks a conversation which lasts at least an hour.

Childe sleeps soundly with Zhongli beside him. Most nights he makes it straight through until the morning, when he springs out of bed at an hour far too early to be humane, making his side of the bed before heading out for a run. Although Zhongli mourns the extra hours of undisturbed slumber afforded by sleeping solo, Childe's eyes are no longer haunted by the dark clouds that used to linger there, and he considers it a worthy sacrifice.

However, on some nights, the shadows residing in Childe's mind come clawing into his consciousness, reminding them that they are far from free.

Tug. Tug. Tug.

Zhongli stirs. The bed covers have slid from the lower half of his body, leaving his legs exposed and his lower back in a similar state. He shivers.

Tug. Tug. Tug.

The remaining corner of his blanket slides over his shoulder and he grabs it before it can make its getaway. In his barely-awake state, he attempts to make sense of the situation. His blankets appear to be...trying to escape?

Zhongli squints his eyes open.

The blanket-cocoon on the opposite side of the bed, highlighted under the moonlight with a tuft of ginger hair poking from the tip, answers his questions.

"No," murmurs Childe, rolling over to face Zhongli. His face is carved into a deep frown and his head twitches as though he's trying to shake it. "Don't...want..."


Childe mutters something incomprehensible and rolls back over, curling into himself.

Zhongli reaches out, hand hovering over Childe's shoulder. Should he touch, or would it spook him? Should he leave Childe to process whatever it is that grips his subconscious, or should Zhongli relieve him from his torment?

He's not sure which is right, but turning over and going back to sleep while Childe struggles with his demons seems wrong, so he rests his hand on the cocoon above where Childe's shoulder should be.

"Childe? Can you hear me?"

Childe snaps awake, striking Zhongli's hand and backing into the corner of the bed, brandishing his hydro blade toward the darkness. "Where...?" His eyes dart around, taking in every corner of the room before settling on Zhongli. "'re here."

"I am here." Zhongli sits up and attempts to move closer, but Childe turns the blade toward him.

"Don't. Not now. Just let me... I need to breathe a minute."

"Take your time."

Zhongli props himself against the headboard and waits. Childe examines the room, his breaths coming shallowly and his face pale and taut, as though a creature of the Abyss might leap from the corner at any moment. After a couple of minutes, he dispells his blade and rubs his palm against his face, sighing into his hand.

"Alright, I'm good. Sorry, got a bit disoriented there." Noticing the blankets still wrapped around his lower body, Childe peels them off, throwing Zhongli's side back to him.

Zhongli catches it and Childe takes hold of his own side, then they flap out the bedsheets together as though it's a perfectly normal evening. The activity settles Childe, and he takes the time to smooth over each crease and pick off the bobbles in the fabric. Once their task is complete he lies facing Zhongli, studying him with a piercing stare.

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