Chapter 24 - Respite

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Excited whispers flitter between the adepti, who stand gathered in a half-moon formation surrounding a rocky platform atop Mt. Hulao. News that Ajax was found spread quickly overnight, and the cloud of dread that had descended over the karst soon lifted, leaving an eager thirst to learn of what had transpired in its wake.

"You sure I should be the one talking to them?" Ajax asks Zhongli as they stand to the side. "They're your men, after all."

"They are my companions and friends; we can all be considered equals here."

"But still, it seems weird to me."

"You and Xiao have worked hard in your search, and as the one with the most recent direct encounter with the foe which we are to be facing, this makes you the more qualified of us to speak on this subject." Zhongli takes his hand, giving it a soft squeeze. "This moment is for you."

Ajax brings Zhongli's hand to his lips, maintaining eye contact as he places a kiss on his knuckles, mouth curling at the sides. "Alright. Keep your eyes on me then." Then he hops up onto the stage, arms spread wide as he calls for the adepti's attention.

Zhongli brings his hand back to his chest, the spot that Ajax had kissed tingling and light.

Ajax certainly has his charms, and how Zhongli looks forward to seeing more of them.

"Friends!" Ajax calls down to them. "We have an exciting development to share in our hunt for the Abyss!"

A low murmur runs through the adepti, the air heavy and electric. Moon Carver glances at Zhongli, but Zhongli tilts his head toward Ajax and Moon Carver nods, returning his attention to the stage.

"We have found their hideout," continues Ajax, "in a patch of forest across the river toward Fontaine. Thanks to Zhongli's efforts, we estimate that the portal we discovered there should be approximately a week and a half before it closes, giving us a small window in which to act." He starts to pace, arms tucked behind his back, shoulders drawn up and back, expression serious and commanding.


The adepti too have settled and watch him with rapt attention. A human commanding the adepti of Liyue is a peculiar sight, but if it was going to be any human who stumbled upon such circumstances, it would be Ajax.

But now he is not Ajax. He is Tartaglia, the embodiment of command and power as he details roles and strategy, listing off hazards and peculiarities of the Abyss. The adepti shift uncomfortably as he details the flesh-eating ooze which bubbles from the ground, and Zhongli doesn't miss the way Tartaglia's hand briefly touches his ribcage at the spot where his largest scar sits. Zhongli remembers the jagged edges of the wound, the tight scar tissue, the deep indent of the flesh, and resolves that next time they lie together, he will have to pay that part of Ajax his most dedicated attention.

"We have one week to complete our preparations, and then we must take our chance, comrades. We shall venture within and clear out the Abyss Order and their allies, our blades driving forth to find their homes within the hearts of our enemies. We must be strong and offer them no reprieve for the scourge they inflict upon this world. If all of us play our part well, we shall emerge victorious!"

Ajax pumps his fist into the air and the adepti respond with eager nods, a polite murmur of excitement rippling through the group. Even Xiao, watching from the side, appears convinced, nodding along with the rest of them. Ajax hops down from the platform, armed with lists of roles and preparations to be made, and the adepti crowd around him, taking their assigned duties without complaint nor question.

Professional and efficient, Ajax organises them into groups and sets them to task, his instructions precise and focused. He's captivating, and Zhongli can't look away. This is the Tartagli the Fatui know, a professional of war and combat, his persona a magnetism of confidence and charm that few can resist.

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