Chapter 16 - A Night to Remember

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Author's Note: Childe's messed up sex views rise again. Nothing too new to what we've seen before. Mentions of shame and perceived t/b power dynamics.

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When they reach home, Zhongli is given no opportunity to relax. After scrawling down a long list of various ingredients and foodstuffs, Childe shoves it in Zhongli's hand and leads him toward the front door, claiming that he needs some time alone to write his letters to his family and that it's impossible to concentrate with Zhongli around.

"It's not the same as having your own space," says Childe, opening the door and forcefully steering Zhongli toward it. "It'll only be a few hours, so why don't you head out and pick up the stuff I've put on the list?"

Zhongli is still trying to wrap his head around it all. "But we already have ample supplies of everything—"

"It sure is a nice day, huh? Perfect for a walk if you ask me. Ah, it's a shame that I can't join you, but duty calls."

"And this item, I cannot say I have seen it stocked in Liyue. How do you propose—"

"Don't worry about it! Someone at the bank will have some, just tell them I sent you."

"That may be, but my wallet—"

"Put it on my tab as usual. Now, I really need to get to these letters and you have some shopping to do. Bye, Zhongli, see you later! Don't miss me too much!"

With a final shove from Childe, Zhongli staggers out of the door and Childe slams it shut behind him, leaving Zhongli standing on the walkway with a list as long as his torso in hand, ousted from his own home.

The audacity of that man.

But Zhongli can't deny that it is indeed a nice day for a walk, the air's earlier bite evolving into a pleasant balminess as the sun peaks along its path. He hadn't particularly planned to do anything this afternoon, so if Childe wishes for him to shop, he shall shop.

He whiles away the hours, meandering from shop to shop procuring each item on Childe's list. With the more talkative shopkeepers he takes the time to stop and speak with them, while leaving the more reclusive ones to their peace. One elderly shopkeeper tells the heart wrenching tale of his wife's illness and the rising cost of her medicine, and Zhongli makes sure to make a couple of extra purchases to ease his burden.

The sky is a hazy orange by the time Zhongli returns to his home, loaded down with the weight of his purchases, and he knocks on the door. (Childe hadn't even given him time to retrieve his key before expelling him.)

There's footsteps down the hallway and then a red-cheeked Childe is at the door, a warm, bready smell seeping out behind him. He wears his shirt all but completely open, held together by a single clip, the armpits dark and his sleeves are rolled up.

A droplet of sweat rolls down his cheek and he gives Zhongli a sheepish grin. "Huh, you're back earlier than I thought. You sure you got everything?"

"Quite." Zhongli raises his bags to demonstrate. "Are you alright, Childe? You appear rather flushed."

"Ah, yeah... Actually I wasn't exactly ready for you to be back so soon. I'd planned to at least clean up a bit first." Rubbing the back of his neck, Childe glances down the hall, then shrugs and reaches to take Zhongli's purchases from him. "It's fine, I just prepared a little surprise for you, that's all."

"A surprise?" It takes Zhongli off guard, and he hands the goods to Childe without resistance. "That is most intriguing."

"Just a little something to show my appreciation. Come in, you'll see what I mean."

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