Chapter 22 - Missing

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Xiao and Ajax haven't returned when night falls and so, for the first time in weeks, Zhongli goes to bed alone. He wants to talk to Ajax about the memory pool, about the unspoken 'almost' hanging over them like a crack crawling across the sky, and he's not sure what will emerge should he allow it to shatter.

When he wakes in the morning, he rolls toward Ajax's side of the bed, stretching out an arm in search of the warm body he's grown used to, but when he meets nothing but the cold, empty sheets, he scrambles upright, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

Ajax isn't home.

He mustn't panic; in all likelihood Ajax and Xiao are still out enacting their campaign against the Abyss and will return when they have news to share.

Yes, this is the most logical reasoning.

Yet he can't shake the notion that something is amiss.

He climbs out of bed and pulls on a fresh set of clothes, fingers fumbling on the clips of his waistcoat and coat as he wills them to do up faster, faster, faster, because curse these fastenings, Ajax and Xiao are missing.

No. Do not panic. Calm. Calm for his friends.

He heads out toward a flat stretch of land where Xiao practises his forms each morning. Although it's a longshot that he shall find them both there, it's a start. It's still early and the grass, stiff with frost, crunches beneath his feet, the birds bidding each other good morning with blissful ignorance as mist puffs from his nose.

When he reaches the corner rounding into the clearing, a familiar hint of corruption wafts in his direction, and as he rounds the path there is Xiao, eyes closed and deep in the flow of his movements. Zhongli's foot catches on a twig as he approaches, and Xiao snaps to attention, eyes open and his spear readied in his hand.

Catching sight of Zhongli, he stumbles across his words. "Zhongli-daren, I was not aware that you were... Apologies, were you waiting for long?"

"Relax, Adeptus Xiao, I arrived only a moment ago. I simply came to inquire where Tartaglia is, following last night's operations."

"Tartaglia? Has he not returned to your domain?"

"He has not."

Xiao takes a sweeping glance across the karst as though Ajax might leap from behind a rock, laughing at their worried expressions.

Zhongli's throat goes dry and he swallows before asking, "Did he not return with you last night?"

"He did. After searching for several hours without finding any trace of the Abyss entranceway, we decided to regroup to search further after this morning's training. Before we parted, he said that he was heading home to you."

"Then somewhere between your parting and arriving home, we have lost him."

Gripping his spear tighter, Xiao nods. "I will alert the others to begin a search. He could not have gone far."

"A good plan. I shall begin searching in the meantime."

"If there is anyone who understands his patterns the most thoroughly, it would be you." A pause, then Xiao adds, "We will find him."

Xiao's words are a small comfort, but they are a comfort nonetheless. "Yes, we shall. Thank you, Adeptus Xiao."

Stamping his spear to the ground, Xiao disappears in an emerald swirl, and Zhongli is left alone. The loneliness curls around him, resting its talons on his shoulders and rooting him to the ground. It was one matter to lose Ajax in the grounds of Zapolyarny Palace, it is another entirely to lose him in the expanse of Jueyun Karst or worse, beyond, where Abyssal forces lie in wait to steal him away.

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