Chapter 6 - A Little Visitor

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Following the previous day's incident, it's with no shortage of reluctance that Zhongli finds himself turning toward the one man he had hoped to avoid.

"So now you wish to request my assistance, after having arrogantly refused it for the past fortnight?" Dottore peers at Zhongli through a test tube containing a suspiciously red liquid. "All this messing around... Why, if you were to entrust him to me entirely, I would have a fully functional Harbinger in front of Her Majesty in a month, and several years of advancement in my research into Abyssal energy. A win-win scenario, wouldn't you say?"

"Discussion of who is assigned to watch over Tartaglia is not the subject we have met to discuss today," replies Zhongli evenly. "I do not wish to waste your valuable time, so if you are currently unavailable to address my original concern..."

"Your kind always think you're above my methods, don't you?" Dottore chuckles and crosses the room, placing his sample into a cryo box lined with rows upon rows of more tubes. "You might be too short sighted to appreciate my methods, but I get results, and you need me. Sit, let us discuss. Who knows, you might even learn to appreciate a little bit of advice." Dusting off his hands he slides onto the stool opposite Zhongli, the hooked beak of his mask staring him down.

Zhongli sits, maintaining a polite facade over his growing irritation. While it's unlikely Dottore will attempt to cause an upset here today, he also would prefer not having to explain to the Tsaritsa why her second Harbinger is pinned under a meteor and currently unavailable for service.

"Now," continues Dottore, "you say that Tartaglia is exhibiting unexpected, irrational behaviour, despite having fulfilled his desire to engage you in combat?"

"That is correct. On both occasions I have had the opportunity to speak with him, he has appeared rather agitated. Given our previous conversation wherein it was implied that resolution of his ambition would result in his recovery, I find such a development somewhat concerning."

"Quite, quite, especially when this persistent agitation points to quite the straightforward answer. Why, I'm surprised you haven't realised it already." Dottore smiles smugly, his tone dripping with arrogant satisfaction. "It would seem the divide between mortal and immortal wisdom isn't that wide after all."

The ichor in Zhongli's veins bubbles and twists and Zhongli clenches his fingers against his palm. "In that case, it would be most appreciated if you could bestow your humble wisdom upon this ignorant citizen."

Dottore leans forward, a triumphant smirk on his face. "I would say that it means your little excursion has had little effect on him, other than shocking his system enough to return him to his regular form."

"Then you mean to say—"

"His obsession is unfulfilled. His true desire lies elsewhere. Although what that could be..." Dottore drums his fingers against the table and, although his eyes are concealed behind his mask, he seems to look straight through Zhongli. "What an interesting development. He was so insistent, too."

For some part, Dottore's answer makes sense—Childe is agitated in ways he never was before, and while the Abyss is known to cause some degree of temperament alternation, the specificity of his words is too much to ignore.

Yet it makes no sense at all.

Childe is a honed blade, precise where he strikes and sure in his convictions. He was certain of this. If to test his strength against the might of Rex Lapis was in fact not the subject of his obsession, then two possibilities remain:

The first: Childe was deceptive in communicating his true intent and feelings, and knew from the start that his true desire was at odds with his words.

The second: Childe was certain that his desire was to fight Rex Lapis, but did not recognise the depth of his own desires.

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