Chapter 20 - Friendly Introductions

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Zhongli and Ajax cross the bridge toward Wangshu Inn, the air flecked with moisture and the sunlight glittering off the river below. A few paces ahead, Ajax stops to peer over the bamboo railing then vaults into the horsetail grove below. He lands with a splash, propelling dozens of droplets into the air, each catching the sun to form a sparkling kaleidoscope surrounding him. Ajax laughs, spinning in the waist high water and brushing his fingertips against the horsetails' feathery heads.

It's infectious, and Zhongli's own lips twitch upward. He comes to rest at the railing, leaning over and folding his arms atop the culm. "Ajax."

Ajax looks up at him, shielding his eyes against the sun. "Zhongli."

Zhongli hums in response.

"Hey, what is it?" Ajax says with a laugh.

"Nothing in particular; your name carries a pleasant sound and I appreciate that I am now permitted to speak it."

"Well you've said it ten times already and we're not even at Wangshu Inn."

"That is correct, Ajax."

Ajax turns red at the ears and runs a hand through his hair, turning it dark with moisture. "Come on, don't do this to me!"

"Do what, precisely? I have no idea as to what you might be speaking of." Zhongli chuckles and continues down the path, leaving Ajax red faced behind him as he adjusts his bag over his shoulder. There's splashing behind him, followed by the crunch of boots over gravel, and an arm curls around his shoulders.

"If you keep this up, you'll be owing me another duel," says Ajax, bumping against him as they walk.

"Keep what up, Ajax?"

"You know what I mean. Stop saying it!"

"Ah. You mean I should stop saying 'Ajax'? A shame, for it is a delightful name. However, if you would prefer that I address you as Tartaglia—"

"Alright, alright, you can keep using it. Just not so often, alright?"

"Certainly, Ajax."

Ajax exhales through his nose and shakes his head but doesn't protest, keeping his arm wrapped around Zhongli. The embrace they shared a few days prior has unlocked something new between them—a world of casual touches, of arms around shoulders and fingers resting on arms. Zhongli has taken to speaking the name "Ajax" as often as he can get away with it. Ajax—it's a beautiful word, blanketing Zhongli's tongue and caressing his lips, and how apt it is that his dearest has a beautiful name to match a beautiful soul.

Should a name give him such delight to speak out loud? How odd this "partnered soul" business is, to inspire such bizarre compulsions.

"Hey, Teyvat to Zhongli? Wakey wakey!" Ajax waves a hand in front of Zhongli's face.


"You didn't hear a thing I said, did you? I was asking if you wanted to stop at Wangshu Inn for lunch, or do you want to refill our water pitchers and go?"

Zhongli nods. "Lunch sounds wonderful, Ajax."


*   *   *

Their bellies filled and their thirst quenched, they take the path through the valley toward Jueyun Karst. Ajax jogs ahead a dozen paces, stopping occasionally to look back at Zhongli and point out a notable feature of the surrounding landscape.

"Hey, check this waterfall! You think the adepti would mind if I went surfing down it? It's way bigger than the one by Nantianmen."

"So long as there are no damages caused to the surrounding area, I cannot see the harm in it."

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