Chapter 26 - Gift

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For once, Zhongli is the first to wake, nestled into the pillow of Ajax's shoulder, a firm embrace pinning him close, their naked bodies intertwined. He blinks himself awake, his thoughts beginning to process.

Today is the day.

Today is the day that they enter the portal in the forest, march into the depths of the Abyss, and free Ajax from the demons which bind him.

Ajax. His dear Ajax.

Zhongli allows his hand to drift up the plane of Ajax's stomach and chest, gliding across his bicep, feeling over every curve of the muscle—the smooth, youthful skin, the veteran's scars. He thumbs over a deep, silvery indent on Ajax's inner arm, a wound that would have ripped through skin and muscle alike when it were fresh.

So many scars for one who has spent barely two decades in this world. Zhongli leans closer, mapping each line tenderly. If only love were needed, how he would wash away the pains of the past in an instant.

"Getting a good eyeful this morning, huh?"

Zhongli jumps, snatching his hand back.

"Hey, I don't mind." Ajax offers Zhongli a wink and takes Zhongli's hand, placing it flat against his chest, the beat of his heart tapping lightly against Zhongli's palm. "Those are the true marks of a warrior, so take your fill and get a good look. Go on, I won't interrupt you."

Zhongli hums and slides his hand to cradle Ajax's jaw. "I would much rather look into your eyes, and see the reflection of my own love harboured there." He brushes his thumb over Ajax's lower lip. "Your eyes are captivating, Ajax."

Ajax turns his head, suddenly awkward. "They aren't that great. I know they're a bit weird."

"Unique, yes, but I do not find them 'weird', as you phrased it." Ajax still won't look at him, and although Zhongli understands why Ajax might see ugliness there—his eyes are different to most humans, yes—Zhongli's heart twists. "Look at me, airen."

Ajax may not know the meaning of the word, but he turns toward it tentatively, his gaze dancing away from Zhongli before returning to meet him.

Zhongli will never get tired of looking into the deep, flat blue that reflects not light, but the turmoil of Ajax's past and his strength of will to overcome it. These too, are the eyes of a warrior, scars worn not on skin, but in the depths of his soul, jagged lines etched within the essence of his being, parts of him carved away, others reformed entirely. Yet while skin bearing the scars of battle bears its own beauty, so does this imperfect, weathered soul, perfect in imperfection, beauty in tenacity and perseverance.

"You have stunning eyes," says Zhongli, placing a kiss on each lid.

Ajax wriggles out from under him with a laugh. "Hey, what's all this now? Feeling sentimental this morning?" Downing the glass of water left out on the bedside table, he stretches his legs out the side of the bed, then gets to his feet and crosses the room, stopping at the window overlooking the karst.

Ajax eclipses the morning sun, highlighting his muscular form, and Zhongli considers it a very, very positive thing that Cloud Retainer seems to have skipped her morning flight around the karst today.

Ajax stretches again, oblivious to shame or modesty. "Big day today. Ah, a glorious battle awaits us, I can feel it!"

As Ajax begins his routine of morning stretches, Zhongli takes a brief moment to indulge in the patch of warmth and the scent left in Ajax's wake, not yet wishing to move, although aware he cannot remain in this moment of domestic bliss forever.

Dragging himself from the bed, Zhongli follows Ajax to the window, winding his arms around him and kissing the shell of his ear. "Indeed, I am certain you shall find the battle you seek. But before we depart, how would you feel if I were to tell you I have a small gift for you?"

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