Chapter 23 - As the Sun Gazes Upon the Moon

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Their walk back to Jueyun Karst is spent in silence, only the stars as their witness. Ajax walks close and catches Zhongli's pinkie with his own, looping them together as they trek through the forest. Zhongli responds by taking Ajax's hand, gripping tightly even as they venture back over the river, and Ajax clings to him with equal need.

They only reluctantly release their hands when they approach the karst, setting themselves at a friendly distance before they meet with any of the adepti, although Ajax continues to bump against Zhongli every few strides as if to check that he is still there.

Cloud Retainer meets them first, all fuss and fluffed up feathers, and Zhongli wastes no time in asking her to spread the message that Tartaglia has been found alive and well, and they are returning to their domain so that he can rest.

(Zhongli doubts they will have much rest tonight.)

They're barely inside with their shoes and boots removed when Ajax is tugging at Zhongli's sleeve.

"Zhongli, I—"

"Patience, let us sit somewhere comfortable, and then we can speak freely."

They shrug off their coats and peel off their gloves then head wordlessly for the bedroom. Zhongli sits on the edge of the bed while Ajax lights a lamp before joining him to sit side by side. With Ajax so close and the room wound with expectant silence, all the things Zhongli had planned to say as they walked home seem awkward and strange, so he takes Ajax's hands into his own, pulling them into his lap.

"Ajax, I am not certain as to where to begin in regards to all that I wish to express. The past few months have proven quite unusual for me, in regards to how my heart has come to develop its attachment for you."

Ajax grins, his face half lit by lantern glow. "Well then, let me make it easy for you. You like me in at least some kind of way, right?"

"I believe so, yes."

"You think so?"


The smile on Ajax's face falters, and he squeezes Zhongli's hands. "What do you mean?"

"I am not human, Ajax."

"I know that already, you know. What's that got to do with this?" Ajax watches him carefully, the lighting catching every angle of his features, accentuating the line of his cheekbones, angular and handsome, yet full and youthful.

This is Zhongli's human, the one he wishes to stand by forever and despite his lingering doubts, it is time to reveal every awkward angle of his heart.

"It is as I informed you before this began; a heart of stone cannot 'doki doki'," says Zhongli.

He intends to phrase the topic as seriously as it deserves, but Ajax splutters and his shoulders shake, little snorts coming from his nose. "'Doki doki'? Ah, it still sounds so funny when you say it." Ajax giggles like a schoolboy and lets out another snort. He takes a moment to recover himself, then frowns. "But if you don't like me like that, why did you—at the pool yesterday—why did we almost—? Why did you almost—?" He sighs and tugs a hand away to pinch his nose. "You're confusing me."

"It would appear that I am performing marvellously at confusing the both of us."

"So you do, or you don't? Because I... I'll be honest here, I really like being around you, Zhongli. I've been having a great time, and with how you've been acting, I was starting to think that you felt the same."

The sudden honesty from Ajax leaves Zhongli fumbling. The room is too warm, compressing him, expelling the air from his lungs. Everything he wants to say feels wrong, and he catches his words several times as they jam in his throat. Thousands of years of speeches and guiding his people with a few eloquent words, and now one human has him stumbling like a child caught cheating on his school exams.

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