Chapter Twenty- Two

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A/N~ Sorry this is so late! I'm a horrible person! I actually started this chapter last night but Wattpad didn't save it! I was soooo mad!!! Anyway, contest winner at the end of the chapter.


I woke up to my alarm. The first thing I thought if was Jake as that test. We could be in serious trouble if he failed it.

I took a shower and did my routine. I dressed in leggings, a sweater, and combat boots. I did some light makeup and straightened my hair.

I grabbed an apple from the kitchen and locked the door behind me.

I walked to school. I noticed that the ground was wet and there were puddles everywhere. It must have rained last night.

I got to school and want over to the big tree, finding Ocean. I almost stepped ins huge puddle! Luckily I avoided it.

"Hey girl!!!" She said, while hugging me.

"Hi." I said quietly.

"What's up with you?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothi-" I stopped myself. I might as well just tell her. I sighed. "I'm worried about Jake and that test."

It was her turn to sigh. She grabbed my shoulders. "Look Skye, he said he had it handled didn't he?" I nodded. She shook me violently. "THEN HE HAS IT HANDLED!!" She yelled.

I just laughed. Ocean was the perfect friend. She always knew what to say to make me feel better.

The warning bell rang. "We'd better go." She hugged me and we went our separate ways.


I plugged my headphones into my phone and played SING by My Chemical Romance. I sang along quietly and walked out of the school.

As I passed the big tree I felt hands on my back. They pushed me! My iPhone and earbuds went flying, and I fell into that huge puddle. Mud splattered everywhere and I was covered in it.

I got up on my hands and knees and tried to get some of the mud off of my face. All of a sudden I felt hot breath on my ear.

"Stay away from my guy you slut." Then she pushed me over!

Mud splattered again and I could hear her laugh and run away.

"SKYE??!?" I heard Ocean yell. She ran over to me and helped me out of the puddle.

She picked up my phone and we started walking. I started crying.

I didn't do anything to Sadie. Why does she treat me so cruelly? I don't know how much longer I can handle this. I hate living with her in my life. I hate this I hate this I hate this.

Ocean noticed I was crying.

"Skye I'm really sorry I wasn't there to help you. I had to go back and get my backpack and then I walked out and saw her push you an I started running but I was too far away and-" I cut her off.

"I'm not crying about you Ocean, you're fine. Sadie just upsets me. I've never done anything to her. She told me to leave her guy alone and called me a slut. I've never flirted with him. Not since they've been dating anyway. We've just talked and-" I couldn't choke back the tears I was holding in anymore. Now I was bawling.

"I hate my life!" I sobbed.

Ocean gasped. "Don't you say that!!"

She was silent for a while.

"Give me your phone."


"Just give it to me!" I handed it to her.

"But why?"

"You'll see!" She replied mysteriously.


We walked to Oceans house and got in her car.

"Where are you taking me?!!" I demanded.

"Just be patient, you'll find out eventually." I hate being the last one to know things.

Finally we got to where we were going. Ocean parked the car and I jumped out of the car. I looked a the sign in front of me.

"Adventure Zone?" I asked questioningly.

"Yep!" She replied.

Just then a car pulled in the parking lot. The car door opened. All of my old friends got out of the car.

"Hey!!!" The all screamed.

"Ohmygosh guys I haven't seen you in forever!!!" I hugged them all. "I missed you so much! I'm so sorry guys, I've been sooo busy lately!"

They all said it was fine and suggested we go inside and have some fun.

First we played laser tag. I totally dominated and got the high score for every game we played.

Then, we went rock climbing. I made it to the top of every course!

We played mini golf and I won.

Then we played arcade games. I got over a thousand tickets!!! And I totally saw Cole and Ocean flirting.

I got a huge fluffy teddy bear with my tickets.

After the Adventure Zone we went out for pizza.

I had the best time! And I totally forgot all about Sadie.

A/N~ And the winner is..... AngelPuppy13!!!!!!!!!!!!! All of your characters were amazing, honestly!! I wish I could have picked all of them! But this character just stood out for some reason. Anyway, she will show up in the next chapter. 

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