Chapter Sixteen

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A/N~ So I would be friends with Sawyer Fredericks. And then we would date each other and he would teach me how to play the guitar and we would have this romantic moment where our hands are on each others and we would both be to shy to say anything. And then we would get married. :p


I check my face for tears one last time in the visor mirror and flip it back to its position on the roof of the car. I grabbed my bag and opened my door. I placed my foot on the black top parking lot and stand up out of the car. I hold my head high and slam my door shut.

My feet are moving, walking yet I seem to be in a trance. I thought she was my friend. I thought I was helping her, being there for her. She kicked me out.

I walked inside the building and turned right, heading to my locker. I turn another corner, just steps away from my locker, when I see them. Jake and Sadie are making out up against my locker and the surrounding ones.

I seriously don't want to go through them so I just walked to homeroom.  I slide in my seat and take out my phone. I busy myself with meaningless tasks and wait for the bell to ring. Finally it goes off and the teacher yells at everyone to sit down and shut up.

She goes through attendance and announcements, while I daydream. Most of my classes go this way, and a few times I even get called on and have no idea what the teacher was talking about.

At lunch I paid for the gross cafeteria food and sit in front of my now open locker. I don't eat though. As I was thinking I realized how ironic. This was how I found Skye. How we became best friends.

Before I know it tears are slipping down my cheeks. I didn't think it would hit me this hard but it has. I'll be honest, I don't have many friends. Most people are rude to me and push me around. Either that or they think I'm too perky and they avoid me. Well I'm not perky today. Maybe they would like me today.

I stood up and walked back into the cafeteria, hiding my tears behind my hair. I dump my uneaten food in the garbage can and walk back into the hallway.

I'm staring at my aqua colored converse. All of a sudden I hit something hard, like a wall. I look up in surprise. Turns out it was just a chest, not a wall.

"Oh hey Ocean didn't see you there."

I mumbled the words me neither and silently prayed he wouldn't notice the evidence of tears on my face.

"Hey have you seen Skye lately, I've looked for her but I can never find her." I shook my head and prayed harder.

"Oh." Was all he said and I could tell he felt deflated.

He told me to tell her he was looking for her. I nodded my head and walked away quickly, thankful that I wasn't with him anymore.

Until I heard his voice again "Hey Ocean you okay? You seem... upset or something." I told him I was fine but I think he knew I was lying. I told him I had to go and walked away quickly.

You shouldn't have done that my conscious told me. Yeah well I don't feel like talking to him I argued. Still, you do know that was quite rude. It responded. Well yes but, I mentally face palmed myself for arguing with my conscious.

Then I realized that it was very very rude and not like myself at all. The warning bell rang. I was jolted out of my thoughts. Realizing that I was going to be really late for class, I started to run. Hopefully I could make it.


I woke up with hair stuck to the tear residue that was all over my face. I glanced to my clock and saw that it was one. I must have fallen asleep.

I went downstairs and grabbed a yogurt and a spoon. Going back upstairs to my room I remembered this morning's events. I leaned against the wall, it all coming back to me. My legs felt weak and I slid down the wall.

What have I done? I don't even know why I said that. Well I do. But I know that if I had thought about it I wouldn't have said it. I can only imagine how Ocean feels. I really have some explaining to do. But she probably doesn't want to talk to me... 

A/N~ So I am thinking about changing the title... The plot has changed dramatically from what I originally planned this title for. If you have any ideas or if you like the current title let me know in the comments! :)

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