Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Jake took a deep breath and paused for a while. "I've loved you since sixth grade, Skye."

My mouth let out a loud gasp, against my will. I put my hands to my mouth, mortified that I let my surprise show.
He continued like I didn't do a thing. "I just fell in love with your personality, your looks, your beautiful smile..." I blushed like a tomato. I love compliments but I was getting a bit embarrassed.

"I never let it show because I knew you were to good for me. I would never be enough for you." Oh my god! "Jake..." I said quietly. He shook his head, letting me know it was okay.

"I never told anyone. I never dropped any hints. But I knew I would always love you." I can't believe he just said that! "A while ago, Sadie approached me asking for me to date her. I've never liked her. I mean, as a friend, yeah, but absolutely nothing more. She left me alone and all was good. Then, about five days later she approached me again and said that if I didn't date her, she would hurt you." I let out a strange noise that was in between a squeak and a squeal. So that was what the bitch was up to!

"I couldn't let you get hurt so I agreed." I stared at him, amazed. He dated her so I wouldn't get hurt.... But I did. My look turned to absolute confusion.

He sighed. "Yeah, I know. So, I still wanted to be your friend, obviously, so I talked to you and stuff.... And you got an enchilada dumped on you. I... I knew it was happening... But I didn't know what to do." I jumped off my bed.

"Are you kidding me???! You stood back and let me get hurt... Because you didn't know what to do???" He tried to defend himself saying "I really wanted to stop it and I tried to figure out how-"

"Well you sure tried hard didn't you! I could have at least known what was going on!!" I'm yelling now. Im so pissed off!!! He just... UGH!!!!

"No, Skye, I wanted to I swear, but she wouldn't let me tell anyone, let alone you!!" He was talking loudly but not yelling at me.

"Oh, and Sadie controls you??! Seriously Jake, this isn't okay! You can't just make excuses for yourself! Do you know what happened to me today??" He opened his mouth but shut it quickly, probably knowing it was best not to say anything.

"I got utterly embarrassed and ruined by my so called best friend. I can never show my face again. You don't know what it's like, Jake, to have that secret on your shoulders for that long, and then have it spilled to the entire school." He sat on my bed quietly, staring at my light brown carpet. A few tears escaped from my eyes. I wiped them away quickly, hoping Jake wouldn't see that I was crying.

"I think you should go." I said quietly. He nodded and stood up to go. "I'm really sorry Skye." I just looked at him until he left.

When I heard the noise of the downstairs door close, I let all of my tears out. I don't even know if I should be crying! He dated her to keep me safe. Obviously, that didn't happen. But it was still really nice of him, wasn't it? Well then he kissed me and caused me to get humiliated in front of the whole school. I thought back to the kiss. Was it nice? It was pretty hard and rushed. I don't think I can say if it was nice or not. It wasn't the right kiss to say if- I stopped my thoughts. I mentally slapped myself for having a whole conversation about the kiss.

My tears were now stopped and dried on my face. I went into my bathroom and washed my face, hiding most of the evidence that I had cried.

I grabbed my phone and hopped into my bed. I checked my Instagram, only to find tons of posts talking about what happened at school today. Great. Now the whole flipping world knows too. They were also saying tons of cruel thugs about me, people just can't handle being nice.

I turned my phone off and chucked it across the room, not caring that it hit the wall. I pulled the blankets up over my head and let sleep overtake me.

A/N~ well that was intense. What do you think will happen between them now? Also I'm sorry, Faiqa, that this is late but I didn't have any time to write yesterday.

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