Chapter Twenty-Six

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I was walking to lunch after the incident with Ocean and Cole. I do feel terrible about how I acted. I can't make excuses for what I did. They really are an adorable couple.

I had decided I needed to apologize to Cole so that's what I'm doing.  I'm walking around trying to find him but he literally has disappeared. 

Someone grabbed my arm and pushed me up against the lockers. "Jake?" I said, wondering what he was doing. "Listen I need to talk to you." Why does he want to talk now? He hurt me. He stood by and let Sadie bully me. I decided  was done. I seriously do not want to talk to him. 

I wriggled in his grasp. "Well I don't want to listen. Now let me go." He looked somewhat hurt by what I said. "Look Skye I know you're upset with me but-" I stopped him. "I do not want to talk to you." Maybe I was being a bit rude, but I was done with him. He upset me and I have tried to forget about him. 

"Please," He all but begged. I shook my head. "I'm done. Will you please just let me go?" by now we had attracted a crowd. This was pissing me off. Can't people just mind their own business? 

He looked around hastily. I squirmed again. It seem like the whole school was  gathered around us. I just wanted to go to my class. 

His eyes focused back on mine. I tried to shake his hands off of me but he just held me tighter. Then he crashed his lips against mine. It was hurried, rushed, but I could tell there was something... there. I didn't kiss back. It was all a surprise. And I didn't want anything to do with him. 

He pulled away as quickly as he kissed me. I looked at him with a what the f*** look. Then he looked at me with an emotion that I couldn't explain. 

"You b****!" I heard Sadie screech, before I even saw her. Then she emerged out of the hoard of people. She glared at me with a hatred so strong, I'm surprised I didn't drop dead. "Why the f*** would you kiss my boyfriend?" 

Jake stepped in front of me, as if to protect me. I wasn't going to let that happen. I pushed him out of the way. "I didn't kiss him you s***. " I replied. 

She snarled. "Oh yeah? Well what the f*** was that?" 

I glared back. "Listen here you b****," Jake interrupted me. "Wait this isn't-" I talked over him. "I did not kiss your boyfriend. And you have no right to come stomping over here in your five foot s*** shoes to tell me that I did!" 

"Well guess what, I just saw you two kiss so whatever you tell me, I'm not going to believe." She scoffed. "What were you doing anyway? S******* around to get over your drunken mommy?" 

I gasped. How did she know about that? She smirked. "Did you forget about third grade?" Oh god...


I smirked. "Did you forget about third grade?" I saw the look of terror on her face. We were best friends when we were younger. After she went through the struggle of finding a guardian, we ended up at the same school. Ever since, we have been friends, although never as close. That is, until she stole Jake. 

I know every detail about her past. She made me promise not to ever tell anyone. Promises get broken though. 

I was seriously pissed. She's done a lot but this too? I mean, Jake is my boyfriend, and then they kiss? And yeah, I know it might not have completely her fault, but I don't care. Yeah but does she really deserve this? This will break her!  Who cares! I told the little voice in my head. She has been taking him for the past month. I am sick of her. I've been wanting to do this for awhile. 

"Oh, or maybe it was your precious daddy?" Her face melted into an expression of 'why are you doing this to me?'. I ignored it. "How were those orphanages Hun? I heard no one liked you there." I raised my eyebrow at her. She started stuttering a response, and I took the time to look at the people surrounding us. Most were looking at Skye like they could not believe what they were hearing. Some looked at me like I was a monster. I shrugged it off. Maybe I liked being a monster. 

"How's your aunt Skye," I said, saying aunt in a weird way. "I heard she is in Italy. I can't believe she already wants to run away from you." I said slowly. I heard a chorus of 'ooooooh' from the crowd of people. 

She was crying now. This hurt her, hurt her bad. She's always been the perfect popular girl. So much for that. 

"Hey Skye. I like that bracelet on your wrist. Can I see it?." I started walking towards her. She whimper-screamed and ran. Jake looked at me with a look that said 'what's up with her bracelet?' I shook my head a little. I'm sure he'll figure it out eventually.

He ran after her and they went out the school doors. The warning bell rang and everyone dispersed to go to their classes. Mission accomplished. 

A/N~ That hurt to write. Having my own character get beat down like that. It sucked. Okay, I really want to know what you all thought of this. It took me a while to write and was painful. I would love to know how you felt reading it. 

Umm... As you might be able to tell, Tipping The Love Triangle is almost over. I have no idea how much longer it will be, hopefully 5-7 chapters, rough estimate. So I'm not sure how much longer it will be, but do be prepared for the end sometime soon. 

Ummm.... A sequel? Of course you can wait to give your opinion until it's over, but if I do write one, I will need a ton of support because I'm not sure about a sequel. 

I have also thought about rewriting this. I feel that it is poorly written not grammar stuff but like the plot and things. But that might be because it's my work. Please tell me if I should, or if you like it this way and whatnot. 

I really need you to comment about these things. THANKS!!!!!  

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