Chapter Twenty-Three

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A/N~ Here you are lovelies


I got up extra early today like I have been for a while. I have to look better than Skye don't I?

I took a shower. Then I curled my hair into beachy waves. I put on a layer of makeup and got dressed in one of my best outfits. The jeans that hug every curve of my body. The black low-cut sweater that does the same. My knee length boots and the aqua purse. I looked hot! Jake will be impressed.

He isn't listening to me lately. Well I've punished him.

I fluffed my hair one last time, grabbed a banana, and hopped in my purple convertible. Sadly the top has to be on, because its a bit chilly, but it's still an awesome car.

I got to school and walked inside with everyone staring at me. That's right b!tches, I'm fabulous.

I went to Jakes locker and found him there, switching out books and stuff. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Hey baby" I said.

"Hey babe" he responded. He turned around and wrapped his arms around my waist. He kissed me. It was an interesting kiss. Almost as if he didn't mean it. But I know he did. He loves me.

He pulled away as the bell rang. "See you later Sade." That was his pet name for me. Sade...

"Sure baby." I said as he walked away. I sighed. I love him so much.

My first period class was English. Mr. Vince walked in with some girl trailing behind him. "Class, I would like you to meet the new student, Melody."

She was... lets say interesting. She had this blue and lilac hair. I saw her eyes for a minute as the flickered around the room. They were an interesting blue, like the ocean. She has glasses. And, I think I saw what could have been a tattoo on her arm, but I'm not sure.

Mr. Vince spoke again. "I would like you all to be nice to her and welcome her." He looked at his notes. "Hmmm, Sadie, you have the closest schedule to hers, so you will show her around today."

"Okay Mr. Vince." Great. I have to show this weirdo around.

She came and sat in the desk next to mine.

"Hello!" I said to her, not wanting to be a total bitch.

"Hi." She said quietly. I guess she's shy.

Mr. Vince taught his lesson until the bell rang.

"C'mon Melody." I said while getting up from my desk. She followed me to my locker. Jake was there. We started kissing. I was having fun until I remembered Melody. I broke away and found her standing there awkwardly.

"Ohmygod I'm so sorry Melody! This is my boyfriend Jake. Jake, this is Melody."

"Hey." He said while nodding his head toward her.

"Hi" she said very quietly.

I shared a look with Jake. She's too shy. I won't be able to handle this.

It went like that until lunch. I sat with her at a table and told her about myself. "I'm Sadie, as you know. I'm 16. I'm an only child. I love fasion and makeup and stuff like that." I continued while she ate.

Then it was like she bloomed. "I'm Melody. I'm 16. I love music. I have this vine tattoo on my arm." She pulled up her sleeve. "Its to remind me to keep growing up. And the fairy on my ankle," She pulled up the left leg of her pants, "Is to remind me to never stop being a kid."

We continued talking. She was acctually really cool! I think

I made a new friend.

After last period we met at my locker where she met Bea, one of my on-again off-again friends. She was just a shy as when she met Jake.

After Bea left I asked Melody to stay the night.

"Sure!!" She said excitedly.

We walked outside got in my car. "Whoa..." She said admiringly.

I just smiled at her. Wait till she sees my house.


I was riding in Sadie's amazing car. It was so cool. And Sadie is the best. She's soooo nice. I really got comfortable with her at lunch. I feel like I could tell all of my secrets to her. She's awesome.

We got to her house or should I say mansion. There were like gates and everything. There was expensive stuff everywhere in her house. I was afraid to even be walking through the house, let alone touch anything.

Sadie noticed how uptight I was.

"Hey relax. The most expensive thing you could break is maybe $2,000. You'll be fine." I stopped walking.

"C'mon!" She said.

We walked up a ton of stairs to get to her room. It was amazing! It was black and white themed. It was sooo pretty and must have cost a ton!

She plopped down on her bed. I sat on the edge.

"Melody..." She started. "I know we just met, but I really gotta talk to you. I've been going through a lot lately and I really need to vent."

A/N~ Haha!!! A wonderful place to stop huh?

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