chapter 17

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I know this is baddest idea ever thought.  Giving change to the auto guy I walked inside the building. This brings me a wave of memories with my parents, a phase of my life which I should imagine.

" Hello ma'am.  Do you have entry card?." Security guard asked. Taking out my old card I gave him.  He looked at it probably thinking how old it can be. Swiping it on a machine he saw that my entry got denied. Loosing all hopes I walked away and sat on a bench looking at people move in and out of the building.

" Oishani?." I heard someone call my name. Turning around I saw my old friend standing there with biggest grin ever possible. She was one who saved me and Varad . A selfless person who was ready to sacrifice her career. But then I decided to stay away from her.

" You finally remembered this friend then. Tell me how come I find you here outside? I saw from cafeteria up there!." She beamed looking at me. I smiled at her contagious radiance. My purpose here was to visit Shubam who ruined our lives one or the other.

" I am fine. Was just passing by. " I replied while she sat with me in the lawn. Holding a file in her hand, she asked to scoot over.

" I don't want to tell anyone but I think I have fallen in love with someone. He's kinda handsome." She whispered as if we are bestest friends forever. I laughed wholeheartedly, she neither asked about my life nor scolded for not being present in her nor got angry over lack of energy to converse.

" That's so nice. You are amazing! Who is this handsome random guy?." I whispered back.

" Wait! I forgot to ask how are you?." She squealed in excitement. A lot has changed in these few months. But here my friend Nita didn't change a bit, a trait I miss in her.

" What if I tell you everything turned out fine in the end? I mean there were darkest days but now life seems to be finding its way in these chaos." I replied. She had puzzled look on her face saying what happened with my way of speaking with someone. Nevertheless she smiled widely indicating that's a good improvement.

Nita took me with her inside the company. She being the sweetest introduced me as her friend . My mind couldn't believe I am looking at the company I worked before. A place which took everything from me yet gave me a new life.

" You should wait for Shubam sir. He's in a meeting I guess. Let me check with her secretary." Nita insisted making me sit in her cabin. After few minutes she walked inside asking me to meet him.  My boss who is ruthless and cruel.

" Well! Well! Who am I meeting ? Oishani after so many years! You are here??." He beamed getting up from his chair. Looking at Nita I understood she's in love with him.  Smiling at her I preferred to not greet him.

" Nita! Why don't you work on that project? We got meeting today right? I would like to finalize it." Shubam spoke making Nita work . Sitting alone infront of him,  I could see his see landing on me with fire in them. An emotion he's good at showing.

" She is pure hearted soul. You should not use her for personal gain." I stared at him.

" No pleasantries?." He questioned back.

" Who are you exactly for me to converse with you ?." I said looking away. My purpose was different. I want to know what happened to me, to my husband. The kind of love he still shows only indicates this was not planned by him. Rather the person infront of me made sure to enjoy the pain I was going through. 

" You are hell on bent on blaming me right?. Yes I was selfish but not to this level Oishani. I value whatever relation I have with you. " He said making me boil with anger.


" I better go now." I said getting up but what he said made me stay .

" Its not only your husband who was involved in this accident. There's someone else too. I can't tell you now because am not sure about it yet. Even if I do , you will blame me again." He said making me question his intentions.  Only I know what kind of brain he has got. Walking out of his company I hailed a cab to reach home. Idhant was coloring a book while his dad laid down on sofa thinking deeply . He knew I came yet for the first time did not care to acknowledge my presence.

We are all tied up to the past, trying to understand our present all the while anticipating about future. A simple story with complicated lives is what our generation is facing . Kneading the dough, I saw idhant hugging my leg. Time with him makes me strong. Varad did not care to even get our kid out of kitchen.

" Mummma.. papa." Idhant showed his finger towards his dad who was busy looking at some documents.

" What about him?." I asked my son.

" Papa, phaat!." He acted. My hands trembled looking at my son. Did Varad hit my son in my absence ?!!! Washing my hands angrily I walked up to my husband who for the first time in 3hrs looked at my face.

" How dare you hit my son!?." I shouted while Idhant tried to talk something with his gibberish action.  With confusion laced on his face Varad looked at our son and me. Not thinking a minute I hit him on his arm so hard that he shouted out of pain.

" What is wrong with you?." He whined while I kept on hitting him.

" You were supposed to look after our son! Not hit him!." I shouted launching my body on his. He struggled to hold my hand but succeeded eventually.

" What are you talking? Idhant??". He turned towards our son. I hit him again out of frustration.

" Papa.. phaat! Uncle...Papa phaat! Papa cry cry...uncle phaat. Papa no cry." My son spoke with seriousness and accusing eyes towards me.

What does he mean by uncle?

" Did someone hit you and my son?." I asked him.

At this point,  I did not realise, I was sleeping on top of him while he held my hand and other he gestured idhant to come forward. Making me sit on his lap, he made sure Idhant is comfortable on other side.

" He is our son. Idhant I told you,  it's a secret. Right?." He asked our son.

" Mumma... Papa?." My son pointed his finger at me.

" Its okay, I am not hurt.  We are just playing. See I love her." He told our son while kissing my cheek lovingly. Idhannt giggled making yuck sound and ran around while he held me by my waist.

" We are partners. Not some company associates to fight like this. Talk with me. Ofcourse you are allowed to hit me but not infront of our kid. Imagine how worried and clueless he will be? We went out to meet my old friend. He hit me playfully that's all. Nothing happened to me. Now tell me. Are you still angry my love?." He asked pecking lips. Something in me clicked with this act.

'Now , now, tell me what made you so angry? Me? My personality? Or my busy schedule?.'Varad asked as we strolled around the estate. Not having much voice I remained quiet. Pulling me towards him,  he pecked my lips and gave me bright smile.

'Someday I am going to eat this cute pout.' He commented.

"Love?." He asked me.

" Huh?." I said absentmindedly. Smiling at me. He closed his eyes. Murmuring something under his breath, he pecked my lips again.

" Let's go now. We need to feed him or else he's going to show his mother's crankiness." Varad said pulling me with him.

I followed him as he prepared curry and entertained our son whose excitement levels matched his father. But my mind couldn't keep calm with whatever is happening.  If shubam is not the one then who is behind chaos in our lives?

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Sorry it's been more than a month . You will have one update per week from here on just like old times. I needed time to gather myself and complete few things.  Also it is emotionally draining for me to write 2 stories at a time. Think about them in depth and plot... I became old I guess 😂.

Hope I did not loose your interest in this book.  What else is going on? How are you all doing?

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