Chapter 30

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I stood outside the same building where we got married. Idhant jumped in my arms while I patiently waited for Oishani to reach the venue. If things were good, we would be here trying to get the house on his name which my wife said is safe investment.

"Dadadadadada..." Idhant shouted quite Restless. I tried to hold him together but he ran and stood before a stone pointing fingers at it. I walked to him,  held his hand to drag my own child away from stupid things.

"Mamamamamama." He shouted. I looked at the stone and crouched down to see a pale blue colour ring lying near it. Taking it in my hands, I inspected it.

'See  this ring? It's a treasure. The day you find it off your hand, remember either me or you are dead. Will you take this as token of my love ?.'

'Even if I die, I want you not to take this away from me. For this, is something so close to me after my parents.'

I was moved by my shoulders by Akshat. Holding my son in my arms, I walked away. My dear friend kept on pestering about filing divorce but I knew something is wrong. The flashback I had felt as if it's real.

"I think she won't come." I said holding my son. Clutching the ring close to my heart, I walked back to our car. Akshat didn't know what's happening, he stayed back to see if she will come there or not.  I have not met Oishani after she decided to get married to him. My wife left me and our son to stay somewhere else which I didn't care to find out.  Now that I think of it,  was she fooling me to strike a deal with that blood sucking leech??.

"Dadadadda.." My son shouted tapping on my shoulder. Kissing his hand I patiently drove my car around the city to reach the place I dread to even think about.

Securing my son tightly in my arms, I walked inside to see people staring at me. They recognise who am I and what am I doing here.

"Where's shubham?." I asked rudely.

"Sir, he's busy.." receptionist tried to talk me out of it but I walked ahead but caring a bit. If I have to separate his soul from his disgusting body I would do it to find my wife and what sick games he's playing with her.

"Where's my wife?." I shouted as he smirked getting up from his seat.

"Look! Who's here! With my son! Wow! Nice meeting you young champ." He came near us to touch Idhant.

"Bad uncle. Bad uncle. I son daddaa." He shouted kicking his legs which gladly hit that idiots chest.

"Fisty." He commented moving away.

"Like his mother. " he ended smirking at me.

"Where is my wife?." I shouted.

"What? She didn't tell you? We had amazing night together! Currently too tired and drained to even walk. Let's sit down and talk about what all you want from her? I know what I want and she is definitely good at it!." He spoke making my blood boil. I controlled my breath holding my son firmly. If he's saying truth then I don't know what state she's in. If he's not,  then I need to act as if I don't care.

Who knew there comes a day when I will have to choose best of worst reactions towards my wife?

"I don't care. She needs to come to court by 4 in the evening. Sign those damn papers. Take her son away." I said Idhant understood what I meant. His teary eyes looked at me accusing me of greatest mistake I am about to make.

"Is it? It's suddenly not your son anymore?." He questioned.

" I would like to keep him away from whatever is happening between us. Call up your receptionist." I suggested. He nodded not taking his eyes off me. I let her take him out of the cabin.

"I don't care what she did last night.  This child, is biggest mistake of my life. She kept him away from me. Suddenly appeared for money now you want me to own him? Seriously? All she ever wanted was money which is easily available now. If only she understood selling her body to you will fetch her so much, Oishani won't be with me." I spoke. He walked near me to access my expressions as if he's some psychologist.

"That's quite an amount of hatred." He murmured.

"How will you know? Just get this scumbag out of my sight as soon as possible. I don't care what you do with him.  We are legally related and his mother is absent enjoying her desires." I scoffed turning around. Idhant looked at me through glass partitions , he waved hi at me and all I could do was smile. My heart breaks doing this, for a moment I wanted to Stab him with the pen in my pocket and get this over.

"Darling. He seems to be very genuine. I see we are made for each other. You know when to love people for needs and money." Shubham spoke. I turned around quite confused at his statement. He smirked at me showing the laptop which was open since the time I entered.

"Oh. Now she's done playing games? Ask her to get him or else I am going to leave him at adoption centre. Dogs are much better than raising a human like him. " I said pointing out at our son. Her expression was painful but she kept strong face.

" Tell him,  I will meet him at his residence. His nanny is going come anytime now. I need to pack my stuff." She spoke after a long pause. Screen went blank making me feel guilty. Shubam gestured his hand asking me to get out kindly. I took Idhant roughly from his staff and walked away. As soon as I reversed my car, my son started crying showing his arms. Taking a deep breath, I kissed his arms, made jokes and held him in my arms all the time.

Is this what fatherly affection is?

I smiled at my son for making me feel such intense emotions.

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