destiny 03

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Is blood thicker than water?

JP was reviewing the essays of his students about a topic that he had given them during their first session when someone's presence behind him broke his concentration. He caught a whiff of a familiar lavender perfume before a dainty hand with light blue-painted nails slipped a small packet on his table. Once he recognized the blueberry sandwich cookie in a transparent plastic wrapper, JP craned his neck to give Angela a grateful smile.

"You've been reading those papers since this morning. Let your eyes and mind rest for a while," the female professor said gently. She turned to the table next to the young instructor and shook her head. "And here's another person married to his work. Weren't you boys told during the new employee orientation that taking a short break is part of our job too?"

As he watched Angela walk to Sky and offer him the cookie, JP thought of how time had flown so fast. He had been having fun teaching his classes, and before he knew it, it had been a week since he had started this job at SDV University. In a span of six days, he had become closer to some members of the faculty and learned a few things about them.

Angela, for example, was like everyone's caring sister. Not only did she always bring snacks to the office, but she also carried a lot of wisdom with her to share with any coworker who needed her advice. She was a real mother hen, notwithstanding that almost half of the people in the CASS faculty were older than her. As kind as an angel, as pretty as a flower; for her colleagues, Angela Flor was truly a gift sent from above.

It would be nice to have a sibling like her, JP mused, taking a bite of the blueberry cookie and returning his attention to the essay papers. He found himself grinning as he learned the students' different takes on the subject and the different ways they expressed themselves.

Some students agreed with the statement, others not so much.

Some had taken the assignment very seriously, penning down their opinions in profound words, giving the topic deep interpretations, and quoting some lines that debunked the popular expression.

They say blood is thicker than water, but water runs deeper.

Expectedly, one or two students pointed out that the original saying was, in fact, 'The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb,' and it meant the exact opposite of the misquoted statement.

There were also a few creative minds who might not have the flair for aesthetic prose, but managed to incorporate humor and sarcasm to make a point.

Blood may be thicker than water, but we drink water in order to live. Unless you're a vampire, then blood it is.

JP wheezed, nearly sputtering cookie crumbs. He gingerly put the paper down on his desk, drank water from his tumbler, took a deep breath to collect himself, and gave his colleagues across from him a bashful smile. The same expression slipped off his face when he caught Sky raising a thick brow at him.

JP rolled his eyes, questioned the world why he had to sit beside this person, and then remembered that destiny was currently at work meddling with their romantic lives. He shrugged, refusing to dwell on the issue, and went back to the task at hand.

A smirk made its way back to his lips as he read another interesting view.

If people say that I should put my two-faced relatives above my friends who have always been there for me whenever I'm at my lowest, simply because of this adage, 'blood is thicker than water,' can I also assume that waffle is more important than family? Since chocolate syrup is thicker than blood? At least I can also depend on waffles every time I need some comfort.

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