destiny 05

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Tuesday was the Monday version of SDV University, the busiest day for the teaching personnel in every college since it was when most students attended their regular classes. And for all the employees, it was also the deadline for submitting their weekly output reports.

Sky shook his head as he observed a number of his co-teachers finish the written requirements at the last minute before they rushed to their first class schedules. Most of these people had been working at the university for years, but until now, they still hadn't learned to shake off their bad habits of doing the small paperwork on the very last day of submission. They could have found some time on Saturdays or Mondays when they were not swamped with giving lectures to the students, and it would not even take them fifteen minutes to complete the entire report.

It seemed like all the time management seminars that the university had conducted for the employees were of no use to them.

The assistant professor opened his messenger bag to double-check if all the stuff he needed for his lectures was already inside. The students' index cards. His laptop. A few pens and markers.

All set, he rose from his chair and was about to walk out of the faculty office when he heard the conversation between Dion and John Paul across his work desk.

"Here. I already saved the sample of my output report, so you can use it as a template," the older professor said while passing a green USB flash drive to JP, "Don't forget to change the name and position, and of course, the number of hours. You can also add some tasks there if you want or remove those that don't apply to you, like the committee duties."

With a nod, JP muttered, "Thank you."

"Don't mention it. So where do you plan to edit it? Are you sure you don't want to borrow my laptop? I'm done with mine anyway, so I don't mind if you use it."

The young instructor smiled. "I really appreciate the offer, but you've already helped me enough with the form, and I know you have to go to your first class in a few minutes. I don't want to make you late." He turned his eyes to the corner of the room where an old desktop computer was located. "I can use that, right?"

"You can, but that thing is old and loads too slow," Dion pointed out, frowning at the said thing.

"It's better than nothing. And I don't think time is going to be an issue since I don't have any class schedule until nine today. I can wait, unless it actually takes an hour for the windows to load?"

"Not really," Dion answered, and then let out a defeated sigh. He stood up and arranged the things on his desk. "I guess I will not be able to change your mind anymore. Then, I'll go to my class."

With another appreciative smile, JP expressed his thanks to the older professor before he walked to the desktop computer in the corner. All the time, Sky had been watching him.

As soon as JP was far enough away, Sky turned to Dion, only to discover that the older man was already giving him an intent stare.

"Now, Sky," Dion began in a solemn tone, the same tone he used every time he played the older brother who wanted to impart some advice to the assistant professor, "Don't look at him like that. I know you're all for punctuality when it comes to reports, but do cut that young man some slack. He's only been here for more than a week, so he's still in the period of adjusting and learning about our routines. It's not easy for him either because he can't afford to have his personal resources for teaching yet, but I can see that he's actually good at doing his job."

Normally, Sky didn't mind it when Dion acted like this towards him. He didn't have any problem with the professor's manner of speaking, even now. In fact, he always found this occasional seriousness of his friend refreshing.

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