destiny 04

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Four o'clock in the afternoon. Gray clouds covered the grumbling heavens. The absence of the sun in the sky dimmed the surroundings.

JP was standing on the portico of the SDV University's Administration Building when it started to rain. Drizzle at first, but it eventually came down in buckets and filled the place with a somber melody.

The young instructor let out a wistful sigh as he deliberated how he would go back to his apartment in this kind of weather. This early morning, there had not been a sign that it was going to rain, not even a mention on the forecast, so JP had not thought about bringing a rainshade with him.

He could wait. Only, he didn't know how long this rain was going to last. There was also the option to order a cab to pick him up, but since he had just moved in a week ago and was newly employed, he was still on a tight budget this month. Worst-case scenario, he had to charge in the midst of this heavy shower.

From the opposite side of the building, JP got a view of Angela walking away with a man under an umbrella. That must have been her boyfriend escorting her out to the main gate. JP had learned a few days ago that the female professor's partner was a security guard in the public library just across this university.

He smiled faintly as he followed the couple with his gaze, remembering how his grandmother would also fetch him from school during rainy seasons. From grade school to high school, his granny had never failed to do that for him.

Nostalgia quickly changed to longing as he was reminded that there was no longer anyone who could provide him with the same comfort in this kind of bleak weather. What he wouldn't give to experience that feeling of warmth and security once again.

"Hey, JP, man, you're still here?"

The Philosophy instructor jerked as the loud, grungy voice rang in his ear. Wide-eyed, he turned around, only to be met by Dion raising his hands in mock surrender.

"Sorry. Did I scare you? You're being jumpy today. Or are you always this easily frightened?"

"No," JP replied, the aftermath of shock leaving his voice hoarse. It was an honest answer; even jump-scare movies had never spooked him. And he often watched them alone. "I was just surprised because I thought it was a thunder."

"Oh, yeah," Dion muttered and stood next to the younger educator, "It's really raining hard today. Where do you currently live, JP?"

"The Hyacinth Apartment."

"How will you go home?"

JP hesitated before answering, "I'll just walk like I normally do since it's only fifteen minutes by foot from here."

"You don't have an umbrella," Dion pointed out. The usual good humor disappeared from his eyes and was replaced by disapproval. His tone was gentle but scolding. To JP, this was the first time that Dion had sounded like what he actually was—a senior by around fifteen years, not only in the teaching field but also in life. "Do you think you're waterproof or sickness-resistant? Why do you youngsters always think you're invincible?"

Dion shook his head. Casting his eyes over his shoulder, his expression became impassive. However, the indifferent look didn't stay long on his face as he grinned and said, "I have a great idea."

Puzzled, JP followed the direction of Dion's gaze. The view that greeted him instantly made him doubtful of whatever "great idea" the older professor had in mind.

On the staircase from the second floor, Sky was descending while holding a blue straight umbrella as if it were a scepter.

JP scowled, watching the assistant professor take the steps with confidence worthy of a crown prince or a mafia boss. It was kind of annoying how this man could make even the littlest of his actions appear like a scene straight out of a Wattpad story.

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