destiny 15

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JP woke up to the loud noises from the next door—footfalls of someone running around, the sound of television in high volume, a woman yelling about how it was too early for the morning kids' shows, a much younger male screaming, "I did it last night! It's your turn this time!" and another voice of a man shouting at everyone to, well, stop shouting.

You should keep quiet, yourself. JP groaned internally. He crinkled his brows and rolled to his side before opening his eyes to the sight of his microapartment.

His surroundings were already clear. The sun was up in the sky, and scattered lights peeked through the gaps of his curtains. Even in this brightness, the young instructor could make out the glow of the red string around his little finger. In fact, the thread appeared to glitter under the sunbeams.

JP blinked, tensing as the sense of strangeness washed over him. Something was out of place here.

The young instructor stared vacantly at his hand, which was resting over an extra pillow. He gave his brain a couple of seconds to process the picture and make sure he was not imagining things. Convinced that the strand of scarlet was not a mirage, JP sat bolt upright. With wide, disbelieving eyes, he examined the band closer.

It was still imperceptible to the touch, but the proof that it was there could not be denied. The gleam, the constant tightening and tugging around his pinky were all too real.

How did this happen? JP mused as he kept gaping at the reappearance of destiny's thread. He had been certain that it had vanished forever. He had been learning to come to terms with the chance that there was no saving the severed connection between him and Sky.

At the thought of the assistant professor, the memories of last night came rushing back to JP. He raked every corner of his apartment with his gaze, searching for a certain someone. The small sofa. The makeshift kitchen. The floor. Nothing. He could not find any sign of Sky.

JP got out of bed and walked to the bathroom in the hope that the man would be there. Turning the knob, the young instructor's face fell at the discovery that the door was not locked. The empty area was an expected view, yet JP could not stop himself from feeling disappointed.

He returned to the main room and stood in the middle of his mini-living space, studying the red string around his little finger once more. Sky had promised to stay until he woke up, but where did that man go? Could it be that he had changed his mind and left upon learning that their red string had come back? After all, it was only when this mysterious thread had gone missing did Sky resolve that he wanted to be with JP. Now that the source of the main issue had resurfaced, it might have also brought back the assistant professor's resistance to the idea of fate controlling him.

While JP was busy contemplating, a dark blue garment over the arm of the solo sofa caught his attention. Upon closer look, he realized that it was Sky's blazer.

The young instructor picked up the piece of clothing and brought it near his face, inhaling the familiar perfume that lingered on it. As the sensual scent broke through his sanity, JP found his mind thrown back to the heated moment he had shared with Sky last night. His body recalled the feeling of the senior educator's touches—the way his strong arm had wrapped around his lithe frame, the way his long fingers had entangled against his hair, the way his tongue had expertly explored the inside of his mouth.

JP wished to experience that kind of pleasure once again, wanted Sky to kiss him like there was no tomorrow. Closing his eyes, he placed his palm on his abdomen and continued to breathe in the alluring aroma. He slowly moved his hand down, his insides fluttering as he imagined it was Sky's larger hand caressing him. He let his fingers brush lower against his stomach. Lower. And lower, until—

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