destiny 08

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For a few weeks, the heavens had been behaving like a person prone to mood swings. The sun was often out in the morning, toasting everything around. People who were away from the comfort of their air coolers sweltered as though they were strips of bacon in the oven.

Dews on the leaves glistened under the sunlight, resembling small transparent crystals before either evaporating or trickling to the ground. The scent of fresh grasses imbued the gardens of SDV University, while birds on the trees serenaded the whole campus. It was during this time of the day that most students and staff fought the urge to close their eyes as the drones and twitters around them enticed them to take a nap.

Everything was bright and lively. There was no indication that it would rain in a few hours, but people had known better than to trust this fair weather when they had been led on many times throughout the week. This day was no different from the previous ones, except that the change of atmosphere arrived earlier than usual.

JP barely made it back to the CASS building from the university cafeteria when it tippled down. He sauntered into the hallway and reminded the scurrying pupils to be careful since the floor was beginning to get wet.

A pair of female students caught up and walked beside him. "Good afternoon, Mr. JP," they greeted simultaneously.

With a smile, the young instructor returned their greeting. His brow shot up when he noticed the sprinkles of water on the back of the young women's clothes and on their hair. The folded umbrella that was clamped to the strap of one of the students' sling bag made him even more perplexed.

"Why did you not use your umbrella, ladies?"

The owner of the umbrella flashed him a grin. "Because I didn't want it to get wet, Sir," she answered rather proudly, earning a giggle from her friend and a good-natured comment. "Silly."

JP shook his head in amusement, unable to tell the student off for thinking that way. After all, he often did the same thing because he found it more troublesome to open the umbrella and dry it after using than to run a short distance under the rain.

"Bye, Sir. We'll see you later."

Before JP could reply to the female students, they were already sprinting to the stairs. He called after the two young women and advised them not to run, but he doubted they were able to hear him amidst the noises from the other people and the rain.

The Philosophy instructor gazed through the window, taking in the hazy view outside. He resumed walking while meditating about how fickle the climate was these days.

Reaching the faculty office, JP paused at the door when he saw that a certain assistant professor was already in the room.

And here's a person as unpredictable as the weather, he thought with a frown as he revisited the events the other night.

With the whole revelation about Sky's history, to say that JP had been surprised was an understatement. At that time, it had finally made sense to him why the man didn't look anything like his younger brother or why, unlike in his case, Sky seemed to be the only person in his family who could see the red threads.

It's especially because he can't see these stupid strings that I believe his feelings for Artemis are not forced at all.

Forced. JP smiled weakly at that one word from Sky's statement. He understood it now. The heir of the SDV University was obviously someone who wanted everything planned out, so it was only logical that he would be wary of anything that was not included in his roadmap.

JP stepped into the faculty room. Whether the senior educator noticed his entrance or not, he didn't show any reaction as he continued to type away on his laptop.

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