destiny 12

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Yellow. Orange. Red. Purple. A collection of colorful lights scattered through the sky, creating a stunning scene, as the sun called it a day.

When was the last time that he had properly seen this kind of view? Was it when his last girlfriend had broken up with him? No, he didn't think he had even bothered to look at his surroundings then, as all he could remember about that moment was the glum expression in the woman's face.

He found it absurd that a pretty sight like the sunset was sometimes associated with a painful stage in a relationship, that was, the breakup. It should have been something that could make people think about sweet memories, not a symbol for the love that had come to an end.

Sky's gaze drifted to the surroundings of the outdoor eating house that he had stumbled into while he was aimlessly driving, looking for a place to take a breather. He and Dr. Rhoda had just completed their third day of the seminar when he had told the dean that he would go for a short stroll before he would come back to their hotel. After a couple of minutes of riding his car, he had reached this area that seemed to be isolated from the city.

Instead of the buildings and the concrete establishments, wide rice fields surrounded the lone diner from all sides. Vehicles passed by the earth road, and there were a few cars and buses that had made a stop at the place.

Sky took a sip of the matcha tea that he had ordered, cringing as the inexplicable tartness penetrated both his nose and tongue. He could understand the appeal of its smell, but he was not a fan of its taste. It reminded him of the boiled medicinal leaves that his grandmother would pick from her backyard and make him drink every time he had caught a flu when he had been younger.

Sighing, Sky placed the cup down on the coaster. He had never really been a tea drinker, and the only reason he had requested it this time was because he had recalled his mother's advice to try drinking less coffee and more tea, as it would be more beneficial to his health and it could help reduce his stress from work. Because he had no idea what the best tea there was, he had chosen the most popular flavor, which his students often gushed about.

The assistant professor returned his gaze outside, calming himself with the refreshing scenery. He needed this change of pace, even if it was only for a short period, and he would soon go back to the busy streets of the city. Right now, all he wanted to do was relax and empty his head of any upsetting thoughts.

Yet, he knew that he could not run away from them forever.

He glanced at his hand, his expression turning grave, when he was reminded that the red string was no longer knotted to his little finger. He could not understand what had happened, but after that particular encounter with JP, the thread had disappeared as though it had never been there to begin with.


Sky curled his hand into a fist as the appearance of the Philosophy instructor the night before he had left for the seminar flashed through his mind. His broken smiles. The unshed tears. He had seen that kind of expression from his past lovers so many times before, but this was the first time he had felt so troubled about it. Since that night, guilt and regret had kept needling his chest.

He had never intended to cause him so much pain, but even he had been at a loss then, too confused to answer JP's confession. What could he have said to make it better when even he could not figure out his own chaotic feelings at that time?

The corner of his mouth lifted into a tight smile. I should stop messing with your head, you said. But aren't you the one who's actually messing with mine?

Sky was too deep in his thoughts that he didn't sense someone approaching until a shadow loomed over him. Looking up, he was greeted by an old man staring at him with gentleness in his eyes. There was a kind smile on his lips. The stranger's back was hunched, making him appear shorter than his original height might have been. Judging by his posture and the fine lines on his face, Sky guessed that he was around the same age or older than his grandmother.

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