destiny 06

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"Is it really okay for me to use that?" JP asked, gaping at the brand new laptop that Angela had set up on the small empty space next to the old desktop computer before he aimed his incredulous expression at the woman.

"Sky requested this for all the teaching staff to use, but since most of us bring our personal laptops for our lectures, he decided to leave you in charge with this one," the female professor answered with her usual pretty smile, "I've already asked the IT people to install the necessary office tools, so you can now make your reports here. Much faster than that old desktop. And it would be more convenient for you to bring it around in case you need a powerpoint presentation for your lectures."

Angela winked at JP. She turned the laptop to the young instructor and gestured at it with her hand as if urging him to try it.

Uncertain of how to react, JP didn't move from where he was sitting. He stared blankly at the blue screen of the laptop.

The truth was, he was hesitant to touch it, afraid that Angela would think he was a bit of a computer illiterate if she saw how slow he worked with these technologies. At the age of twenty-three, he had only known the basics that had been taught in a computer subject in college and had yet to familiarize himself with all of its ins and outs.

It was not like he was a natural idiot when it came to modern things and not like he could not learn—he had always been quick on the uptake, after all—but more like there had not been enough chance, not enough resources for him to gain more knowledge in the field. The university he'd attended had never provided enough workstations for the students to utilize. Net cafes were too expensive for him, so most of his reports had been done through his small phone. His family could not afford to get him a personal computer, and even if they had the money to buy one, he doubted his parents would have been willing to spend more on him when they had always been against sending him to college in the first place.

"It would just be a waste," they had said, "A disappointment of a son like him would never have a good future in this lifetime."

"Oh, I get it that you're one of those people who don't feel comfortable being watched when they're working. Then I'll leave you be. I still have to go to my next class."

With the woman's voice bringing him back to reality, JP gave her an awkward smile. "Thank you for this. Really."

"You don't need to thank me. I told you it was Sky who put in the request for it," Angela answered as she gathered her stuff from her table. She waved her hand, mouthing 'see you later' and then stepped out of the faculty room.

The Philosophy instructor waited for a few more minutes after Angela had left to make sure he was truly alone before he ejected his USB flash drive from the old desktop and moved it to the laptop. He placed his forefinger on the touchpad to open the lesson plan that he had been working on and began typing. He did so very cautiously because the keyboards felt so delicate under his hands as if they would come off at the tiniest pressure that he applied to them.

While he was starting to get the hang of using the new computer, the thread around his little finger glowed and tightened, causing his hands to freeze. JP raised his head and turned to the door, just in time for Sky to enter the room. His pulse sped up as he kept his eyes trained on the man walking to his work desk.

It had been weeks, but until now, the young instructor had yet to get accustomed to the red string's way of giving him a heads-up about his approaching soul mate.

'Unwilling soul mate,' his mind corrected.

Up to this time, he was still not used to this scene of Sky emerging and sauntering like royalty on a red carpet. Poised and full of confidence. Heavy presence, in spite of his nearly inaudible footfalls.

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