destiny 14

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"Have you taken any medicines for your fever?"

Dubious, JP waited on the single sofa in his microapartment while his uninvited guest was preparing the food in his makeshift kitchen. He had calmed down enough to let Sky do what he pleased, but he still found it incredible to see the future boss of the SDV University freely roaming in his place.

The young instructor stared at the man's back, watched as broad shoulders flexed every time the assistant professor moved. Sky had abandoned his dark blue blazer on the arm of the lone chair where JP was currently perched, leaving him with only the thin white t-shirt that revealed his firm arms. He looked so out of place in this simple setting, regardless of his unusually less formal appearance at the present. His height and build made the little space seem even more cramped.

JP gave his eyes a tour of the room as if he were only seeing it for the first time. He had never cared about how small this self-contained living space was for as long as it could provide him with the basic shelter needs. A single bed with drawers underneath it, a nightstand, an area that served as the kitchen, a mini leisure sofa, a coffee table that he used as a study-slash-dining table, and a small bathroom where he could also do his laundry. While it might not be ideal for people who had become accustomed to luxurious accommodation, for someone like him who wanted a cheap home where he could stay by himself, this microflat was perfect.

The size never used to bother him since he always made sure to keep the room clean and organized, but now that another person—an heir of a rich family at that—had graced this humble place with his presence and JP remembered that he had not washed the dishes this morning, he could not help but feel insecure. He would not be surprised if negative judgments were already running through Sky's head. JP suspected that the assistant professor's bedroom alone was larger than this whole apartment.

He hugged his knees and discreetly sniffed himself as his consciousness shifted to his own state. It was a good thing he had taken a quick shower to cool down his temperature this morning, so he didn't give off any unpleasant odor nor did he feel sticky. However, after staying in bed most of the time this day and with his earlier outburst, JP didn't need to check himself in the mirror to know that he had come close to a fashion disaster. There was no way a baggy shirt and old college PE pants would be able to save his physical appearance at the moment.

JP raised his head in time for Sky to send him an expectant stare over his shoulder. It occurred to the young instructor that he had yet to answer his coworker's question.

He avoided the other man's gaze and faked his fascination with the wooden flooring. "I don't store medicines at home, and I was too dizzy to go out and buy any."

There was a beat of dead air before the assistant professor asked, "How about your meals?"

"I had egg drop soup this morning, a cracker and a banana this afternoon. I didn't have the energy to make nor do I have the appetite to eat anything else."

Another long pause came to pass. JP braced himself for any scolding from Sky, but all he received from the latter was a nonchalant remark. "You should have at least drunk a lot of water."

"I did," the Philosophy instructor answered with a tinge of defensiveness. He shot his guest an irritated look, but the expression in Sky's face made him falter.

The assistant professor creased his forehead, his brows meeting in the middle. Discontent filled his eyes while the corners of his mouth were pulled downward. The facial appearance gave away that he might not be as calm as he had made himself sound to be.

Sky turned back to JP's DIY countertop and resumed putting the food together. He walked to the younger man with a bowl and a glass of water in his hands, placed them on the coffee table, and made another trip to the kitchen area to get the paper bag.

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